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Motto / Quote  
"Everything in your life, every experience, every relationship is a mirror of the mental pattern that is going on inside of you."
Louise L. Hay


How To Control Your Subconscious Mind?

How To Control Your Subconscious Mind (With Practical 6 Methods)

Unlocking the power of the subconscious mind takes time, effort and repetition but don’t allow this to put you off trying because once you learn how to control the subconscious mind, your possibilities are endless. The solution to positive development is to control what passes into your subconscious mind and what thoughts you create.

You can control what information, thoughts and visions enter your subconscious mind through your conscious mind. Whatever your conscious mind believes and accepts is impressed into your subconscious mind. Therefore, if you want to control your subconscious mind, it begins with awareness of what is accessing the mind from your environment.

I use to think negatively, not because I was a negative person, just because that’s how I heard everyone else around me speak. We are controlled by our environment more than we realise, and studies confirm we become the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Now, I’m not suggesting you dump all your friends or leave your job what I would recommend and what has worked for me is starting to introduce changes into your surroundings that have a positive impact. 

Therefore, your environment, the people surrounding you and information that is fed into your conscious mind all impact your subconscious mind. Furthermore, your subconscious mind is responsible for controlling 95% of your daily processes, emotions, beliefs and habits. Implying if you want to change, to manage your subconscious mind, you must monitor what information enters your conscious mind. 

Control Your Subconscious Mind With These 6 Techniques

Before you can control your subconscious mind, you need to be consciously aware of what information you’re supplying your subconscious. It’s time to concentrate your energy on feeding and nourishing your subconscious mind with positive and valuable knowledge and remove any negative and damaging thoughts.  

1. Become Aware Of Your Thoughts

Whatever your conscious mind accepts and believes will impact and influence your subconscious mind. You can not master your subconscious mind without first controlling and being aware of what is consciously entering. You need to be mindful of the conversation you have or the social media information you witness. Because all this data influences your subconscious mind and you create false beliefs around them.

What Happens When We Change Our Mindset

To control your mind, you must provide your subconscious mind with nothing but the things you desire. Moreover, you must have faith and beliefs, it will happen, and once you consciously accept it your subconscious mind then believes it. This is the only way to control your mindset. 

2. Increase Your Knowledge And Understanding By Learning

You need to increase knowledge of the subject/idea you want to develop. Understand is the way to increase joy within the subconscious mind and to prevent fear from taking over. If you’re going to become a positive person that attracts greatness, you must support your subconscious mind with knowledge and awareness of more exceptional habits. Gain experience of the subject can be achieved through

  • Books
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Courses
  • Mentors
  • Podcast

The more information you develop in the area of improvement, the more knowledge of the subject will expand in your subconscious, which will lead to confidence and positivity. Think about the job you are in now. More than likely, when you first began, It seemed impossible to become as good as the more experienced members of staff. Now, if you were to review your expertise, it would be considerably more comprehensive than it was. No one becomes successful overnight, and it takes time and a lot of hard work. 

3. Take Action On Subconscious Ideas

It’s excellent once you develop knowledge and understanding of your new venture, but if you never take action, you won’t see results. 

In the famous book The science of getting rich, Wallace Wattles said 

“Every day is either a successful day or a day of failure, and it is the successful days which get you what you want. If every day is a failure, you can never get rich, while if every day is a success, you cannot fail to get rich”. 

Don’t let things overwhelm you and take each day at a time as long as your doing something every day over time it will add up to a lot of progress. New ideas, opportunities and plans will entre your mind so you can advance, but you must take action on them to accomplish the goals you dream of. 

4. Use Affirmations And Subliminal Messages Throughout Sleep

Your subconscious mind doesn’t sleep, and you can use this to your advantage. While your conscious mind shuts down for the night, you have a hidden power that I would recommend exercising. Play positive affirmations or hypnosis during the night. Your subconscious mind is continuously listening to your environment. 

The reason, thousand of years of living outside with potential dangers has given us the ability to sleep, but our subconscious mind is awake and alert to threats. Our lives have modernised, but your minds haven’t. The advantages you now have are incredible because there’s minimal risk to us while you sleep. You can reprogram your subconscious mind with positivity during the night. When you wake up, you will be full of energy and joyfulness. 

5. Set Goals To Focus The Subconscious Mind

If you don’t set clear goals, it’s like a sailing a ship without a destination or map. Goals keep track of your path to success but also help with improvement. To skyrocket your results plan and review your goals every night before you go to sleep. The subconscious mind will work on your goals during the night, and when you wake up, you will be equipped to go. 

How Do You Keep Your Mind Focused On Your Goals?

Try and avoid waking up and then setting your goals because you will waste the power the subconscious mind can bring. The most successful people in the world all set goals and this is one of the reasons for their achievements. Don’t overwhelm yourself with hundreds of tasks because you might find you will never achieve any of them. 3 to 5 tasks for each day is the amount that works best for me, and I also set weekly, monthly and yearly goals that all support each other.

6. Listen To Your Intuition

Serendipity means a fortunate happening or pleasant surprise that you may think came as a coincidence but the real source of serendipity is from the universe. Your subconscious mind constantly works, even throughout the night, on all the problems you have. You might find the answer appear as a coincidence, but that’s serendipity. 

For example, I wanted to start an online business, but I was struggling to find resources to help build a website. I asked my subconscious mind for help before I went to bed. The next morning I received an e-mail from a podcaster I was subscribed to declaring he had created a free course to help set up a website in 5 days. It’s so easy to think about this event as coincidence and most people would, but if you believe in the power of the universe and your subconscious mind your entire life will change. 

How Does the Subconscious Mind Think?

Thinking doesn’t come from the subconscious mind it; in fact, it comes from the conscious mind. Although the conscious mind does our thinking, it is our subconscious mind that controls our perception, mood and emotions associated with the situation. You can tell your conscious mind to think in a certain way, but if your subconscious mind is programmed in a method that causes resistance, your subconscious mind will overpower. 

The conscious mind displays the feeling that’s created within the subconscious. Let me give you an example. I have a fear of flying, and I’ve done all the research into how safe it is, I understand the statistic that confirms it’s by far the most secure way to travel. My conscious mind has the facts, but my subconscious mind holds the fear, and it’s that fear that overpowers my conscious thinking, and the results are anxiety when I fly. So, when we want to change our thinking, we want to change the feelings within our subconscious mind to display that action in our conscious mind. 

How To Control Your Emotions Within The Subconscious Mind?

The subconscious mind works best with feelings, and it impresses the body with these feelings. The subconscious mind creates fear of a specific situation, and the result in the body is anxiety. For the conscious mind to stop fear within the subconscious mind, it requires understanding and knowledge of the subject. 

Develop Your Imagination For Ultimate Creativity

If that knowledge is positive, the subconscious mind will display the opposite of fear, which is joy. If you have a joyful mindset, your results will be different. To eliminate the fear of flying, I would need to obtain actual knowledge. To further that experience, if I were to speak to a pilot about flying, this would strengthing my understanding. Furthermore, if I were to fly every day for a month by the end of that month, my whole mindset would change about flying, and the result would be the joy instead of the fear. 

How Can You Control Your Subconscious Mind For Success?

We are held back by doubt and worry because we think about all the things that might go wrong instead of the positives. The reason for this comes from our environment and what information is passed into our minds. When we tell people, even family members, you’re going to leave your job and start a business, the first thing most people say is “what if…”

When we hear these “what if…” it suddenly creates doubt and worry. The results with our subconscious mind are fear, and we never take action on our ideas. To change it, you need to believe in your ability even though others don’t. Do you think Steve Jobs knew how to create the iPhone before he did it? No, he only knew how to build it after he did it, but he believed it could be made, and that’s the difference. We don’t need all the answers before we set out on the journey, but if you never start, then you will never succeed. 


When we want to take control of the mind, let’s understand that the subconscious mind is the most powerful computer in the world one millionaire times over. The subconscious mind controls 95% of your bodies function and the processes of your mind, so it’s vital you impress positivity into it from your conscious awareness. The memory capacity is enormous, around 1 million gigabytes, and this should give you confidence any knowledge and information you gain will be stored and ready to use. 

The subconscious mind will always have the answer to your questions or problems, but the stronger that connection to your conscious you can create, the easier it will be to receive. To create a stronger relationship to the subconscious mind, you need to practice meditation, affirmations and positive thinking.

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Motto / Quote  
“The predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet, and the law is that like attracts like, consequently, the mental attitude will invariably attract such conditions as correspond to its nature.”
Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System


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