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Manifestation Technics and Methods

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22 Manifestation Technics
What is the 17 second rule?  |  How To Manifest In 17 Seconds?
How to use the 369 Method?  |  How long does it take to 369 Manifestation to work?

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22 Manifestation Techniques To Manifest What You Want

If you want to manifest what you want, you should incorporate these 22 manifestation techniques into your life.

These 22 manifestation exercises are based on the international best-selling book “Ask and It Is Given” written by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

The Hicks are world-renowned teachers on the law of attraction.
Many people consider this book as one of the essential readings when it comes to learning about manifesting and the law of attraction.

Ask and It Is Given” offers the reader 22 manifestation techniques and exercises to practice and apply the concepts of the law of attraction in their daily lives.

These manifestation techniques are practical, easy, and fun.

The main benefit of these exercises is to make you feel good by lifting your vibration so you can allow your manifestations to come into form.

Here are 22 manifestation techniques you should practice if you want to manifest what you want.

22 Manifestation Techniques By Abraham Hicks

1. The Rampage of Appreciation

Silhouette of Man Raising His Hands
Photo by Snapwire from Pexels

When To Use It: When you want to go from a good feeling into an even better one or when you want to maintain your high vibrations.

How To Use It: Look around your surroundings and focus on something that pleases you.

Hold your attention to it and consider how good, useful, or beautiful it is.

Notice how great it feels to actively express your appreciation.

Once you notice your good feeling is stronger than when you first began the exercise, move onto another pleasing object, and continue with your rampage of appreciation.

Gratitude is one of the fundamental manifestation techniques you can learn.

2. The Magical Creation Box

Light Inside Chest Box
Photo by David Bartus from Pexels

When To Use It: Use this manifestation technique whenever you want to do a fun activity to visualize your desires and clarify what you want with specific details.

How To Use It: Find a beautiful box and gather clippings of pictures, words, or affirmations that align with your desires.

Whenever you see something that resonates with you, clip it out, and drop it into your Creation Box.

Each time you put something in, say “Whatever is contained in this box—IS!”.

Trust that whatever you put into this box, the Universe will deliver to you.

3. The Creative Workshop

Man Wearing Black and White Stripe Shirt Looking at White Printer Papers on the Wall
Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

When To Use It: When you want to gain clarity on what you want in the primary areas of your life.

How To Use It: Grab a piece of paper and divide it into four quadrants. Label them with the following headings: Body, Home, Relationships, and Work. 

Under each heading, write down your desires related to that area of your life. Beside each desire, write down why you want it.

This manifestation technique helps you focus your attention on the desires related to the four main areas of your life.

4. Virtual Reality

Woman Practicing Yoga
Photo by Ekaterina Bolovtsova from Pexels

When To Use It: Use this manifestation exercise when you want to visualize a pleasant experience and practice aligning your vibration with your desires.

How To Use It: Sit in a quiet room, close your eyes, and imagine a reality where you are thriving and feeling good. 

Use your imagination and supplement your visualization with as many details as possible. Focus on the location, the people, the smell, the sights, the sounds, and how good you feel.

The purpose of this manifestation exercise is to cause you to activate the vibrations within you that put you in the place of allowing your manifestation to come into existence.

5. The Prosperity Game

Person Holding 100 Us Dollar Banknotes
Photo by Alexander Mils from Pexels

When To Use It: Use this manifestation exercise if you want to manifest abundance by acting as if you are financially abundant.

How To Use It: Grab a piece of paper and make it your imaginary bank account.

On day 1, you’ll deposit $1,000 and spend $1,000. Use your imagination and go all-out when it comes to describing how you spend that money.

On day 2, you’ll deposit $2,000 and spend $2,000 and describe how you spend it again. Repeat this exercise daily.

This exercise helps you act as-if and align with the energy of abundance so you can manifest abundance into your life.

6. The Process of Meditation

Woman in Black Tank Top and Black Pants Sitting on Concrete Floor
Photo by from Pexels

When To Use It: When you want to release all negative thoughts and restore your natural high-vibration state.

How To Use It: Sit in a quiet room, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing.

Observe any thoughts that come up and gently shift your attention back to your breathing.

Meditate every day for 10 to 15 minutes for the best results.

By quieting your thoughts, you unblock your resistance to the flow of good vibration that is your birthright.

7. Evaluating Dreams

White Bedspread Beside Glass Sliding Door
Photo by Lina Kivaka from Pexels

When To Use It: When you want to understand the meaning behind your dreams and how your dreams relate to your manifestations.

How To Use It: 

Your dreams are direct reflections of the thoughts you have been thinking.

Before you go to bed, acknowledge that your dreams accurately reflect your thoughts and feelings (vibration).

When you wake up, recall last night’s dream and how you felt during the dream.

Let your dreams tell you whether you’re aligned or misaligned with the vibration of your desires.

If your dream was filled with love and good-feelings, you can be confident that you are aligned with the manifestation of your desires.

If your dream was filled with fear and negative feelings, know that you are resisting the manifestation of your desires.

8.The Book of Positive Aspects

Person Writing on White Paper
Photo by Negative Space from Pexels

When To Use It: Use this manifestation technique whenever you want to focus your attention on appreciation and ride the positive wave of good feelings.

How To Use It: Find a notebook and use it as your Book of Positive Aspects. 

At the top of the page, write the name of someone or something that you always feel good about.

Then, respond to these 3 questions: What do I like about you? Why do I love you so much? What are your positive aspects?

Write as long as the thoughts flow. When you’re finished, move on to the next page and write about another person or object. 

The more positive aspects you search for, the more you are going to find. This is how the law of attraction works. 

By writing in your Book of Positive Aspects, you activate the high vibration of well-being and make appreciation a natural part of your thoughts.

9. Scripting

Photo Of Person Holding Cup
Photo by Alina Vilchenko from Pexels

When To Use It: When you want to visualize your desires by writing about the specific details of what you would like to manifest into your reality.

How To Use It: Grab a piece of paper and describe in detail your dream life exactly as you want it to be.

Pretend that whatever you write on the piece of paper will manifest exactly as you write it.

Scripting will help you break your habit of being stuck in how things are and focus on how you would like things to be.

10. The Place Mat Process

>Student writing in organizer while sitting on picnic rug
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

When To Use It: Use this manifestation technique when you feel overwhelmed with your obligations and to-dos.

How To Use It: Take a piece of paper and divide it into two sides. One side is for the Things I Will Do Today. The other side is for Things I Would Like The Universe To Do.

Take your to-do list and assign your tasks to a side of the paper. 

Only put the obligations you must do or things you really want to do on your side, and assign all the remaining tasks to the Universe’s side.

This exercise will help you spend your time and effort efficiently and learn to lean on the Universe for support and guidance.

11. Segment Intending

Man Wearing Black Crew-neck Shirt and Black Jeans
Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels

When To Use It: Use this manifestation technique when you want to prepare or protect your good vibration before a future event.

How To Use It: Think ahead in your day and be aware of any future events that you’ll like to enter into with good vibration or has the potential to lower your vibration.

Define how you want to feel and set mental boundaries that can protect your energy.

Otherwise, your current vibration will carry into the future. For example, if you feel bad right now, you’ll likely carry the negative energy into the rest of your day unless you mentally set an intention for the future.

12. Wouldn’t It Be Nice If…?

Young woman thinking with pen while working / studying at her desk
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

When To Use It: Use this manifestation technique when you want to shift your focus from the absence of your desire to the presence of your desire. 

How To Use It: When you say “I want this to happen,” you emit an unspoken vibration within you that holds on to the absence of your desire. 

The strong, demanding language is resisting your manifestations from happening.

Instead of framing your desires with an “I want” or an “I need” statement, reframe it using “Wouldn’t it be nice if…?”.

This reframing of your desires softens your request to the Universe and puts you in a better vibration. A vibration that is a closer match with your desires.

13. Which Thought Feels Better?

Clear Light Bulb on Black Surface
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

When To Use It: Use this manifestation technique when you want to get out of low vibration by reaching for a better feeling thought. 

How To Use It: Take a piece of paper and write your thoughts down.

After you have written the first thought, write a second one related to it. Then evaluate which thought feels better. 

If the second thought feels better than the first thought, continue writing down the next best feeling thought.

If the second thought feels worse than the first thought, reframe and take your thoughts in a different direction.

14. The Process of Clearing Clutter for Clarity

Female shopaholic with laptop shopping online in messy living room
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

When To Use It: Use this manifestation exercise when you feel stressed out by a cluttered environment.

How To Use It: A cluttered environment can lower your vibration because they can take away from your enjoyment of the present moment.

If you’re easily stressed when it comes to organizing, simply take a few empty boxes and put any object you don’t immediately need into the boxes.

Put the boxes in storage and go through them for a thorough organization only when you’re feeling up to the task.

15. The Wallet Process

Photograph of Person Holding Black Leather Wallet with Money
Photo by EVG Culture from Pexels

When To Use It: Use The Wallet Process when you want to manifest more money into your experience by living in the energy of abundance.

How To Use It: Put $100 in your wallet but keep it in your wallet and don’t actually spend it.

Whenever you see something you like, remind yourself that you could purchase it if you want to because you have $100 in your wallet.

By holding the money and not spending it right away, you can increase your vibration by reminding yourself that you are abundant.

By mentally spending this money over and over again, you act as if you are financially abundant. 

16. Pivoting

Person Standing On Arrow
Photo by Vicky Tran from Pexels

When To Use It: Pivoting is one of the best manifestation techniques for redirecting your vibration when you feel you’re stuck in negative emotions.

How To Use It: Whenever you feel negative emotions, take a moment to pause and ask yourself: “I know what I don’t want, so what is it that I do want?”

Let your negative feelings be your guide back to better-feeling thoughts and high vibrations. 

Negative feelings reveal to you what you don’t want, so you can clarify what it is you do want.

17. The Focus Wheel Process

Low Angle Photography of Tunnel
Photo by Francesco Ungaro from Pexels

When To Use It: Use the Focus Wheel Process anytime you feel negative emotion about something and you want to find your way to a positive emotion instead.

How To Use It: Draw a large circle on a piece of paper and draw a smaller circle the in center of the large circle.

In the small circle, write down a statement about how you feel right now.

Then write statements or positive affirmations related to it that make you feel good.

Imagine the large circle like a clock, and write 12 better-feeling statements starting at the 1 o’clock position.

Once you have written 12 statements, circle the statement that feels the best to you, and repeat the Focus Wheel Process by putting that statement in the middle.

This is one of the most powerful manifestation techniques for reframing your negative thoughts with more positive ones.

18. Finding the Feeling-Place

Woman Relaxing in Yoga Mat
Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

When To Use It: This manifestation technique uses visualization to shift your vibration into alignment with your desires so you can manifest what you want.

How To Use It: Instead of using words to ask the Universe for what you want, simply focus on what it feels like to be living your desire.

You can focus on a good memory, a good day, or even your future dream life.

The key is to focus on how good it feels to live in your desire than to focus on how bad it feels to live in the absence of it.

Because when you focus on feeling good, you can’t focus on the lack of your desire at the same time.

19. Releasing Resistance to Become Free of Debt

Crop payroll clerk counting money while sitting at table
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

When To Use It: Use this manifestation exercise when you want to experience the relief of being debt-free and feel in control of your financial situation.

How To Use It: Create a spreadsheet and make a column for each of your debt payment obligations from largest to smallest.

At the top of the spreadsheet, write this affirmation: It is my desire to keep my promise regarding all of these financial obligations, and in some cases, I will even do twice as much as is required.

Every time you pay your bills, pay at least double the minimum payment on the far right column.

By keeping your word on doubling up on the payments, you’ll feel a sense of pride and your vibration around money will shift.

By shifting your vibration, you will manifest more money in your life and eliminate the columns from your spreadsheet one by one.

20. Turning It Over to the Manager

Photo Of People Leaning On Wooden Table
Photo by fauxels from Pexels

When To Use It: Use this manifestation technique when you want to surrender the outcome of your manifestation to the Universe.

How To Use It: Imagine yourself as the CEO of a large corporation and you have a manager who works using the Law of Attraction on your behalf.

Every time you want to get something done, you send the request to your manager and you trust that it will get done.

Delegate your desires to your manager, and simply allow your manifestations to come true.

21. Reclaiming One’s Natural State of Health

Woman With White Sunvisor Running
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

When To Use It: This is one of the best manifestation techniques for health and wellness and eliminating limiting beliefs surrounding your health.

How To Use It: Lie down in a comfortable position and read these statements to yourself. Focus on your breathing and continue this exercise for 15 minutes.

• It is natural for my body to be well.

• Even if I don’t know what to do in order to get better, my body does.

• I have trillions of cells with individual Consciousness, and they know how to achieve their individual balance.

• When this condition began, I didn’t know what I know now.

• If I had known then what I know now, this condition couldn’t have gotten started.

• I don’t need to understand the cause of this illness.

• I don’t need to explain how it is that I’m experiencing this illness.

• I have only to gently, eventually, release this illness.

• It doesn’t matter that it got started, because it’s reversing its course right now.

• It’s natural that it would take some time for my body to begin to align to my improved thoughts of Well-Being.

• There’s no hurry about any of this.

• My body knows what to do.

• Well-Being is natural to me.

• My Inner Being is intricately aware of my physical body.

• My cells are asking for what they need in order to thrive, and Source Energy is answering those requests.

• I’m in very good hands.

• I will relax now, to allow communication between my body and my Source.

• My only work is to relax and breathe.

• I can do that.

• I can do that easily.

22. Moving Up The Emotional Scale

Emotional Guidance Scale

When To Use It: Use this manifestation process when you feel bad and you are having a difficult time feeling better.

How To Use It: This technique makes use of the "Emotional Guidance Scale" to identify your current emotions and show you the emotions that you should reach for if you want to feel better.

Having a good understanding of the "Emotional Guidance Scale" will be useful for practicing any of the 22 manifestation techniques.

The "Emotional Guidance Scale" has 22 steps:

1. Joy / Knowledge / Empowerment / Freedom / Love / Appreciation
2. Passion
3. Enthusiasm / Eagerness / Happiness
4. Positive Expectation/Belief
5. Optimism
6. Hopefulness
7. Contentment
8. Boredom
9. Pessimism
10. Frustration / Irritation / Impatience
11. Overwhelment
12. Disappointment
13. Doubt
14. Worry
15. Blame
16. Discouragement
17. Anger
18. Revenge
19. Hatred/Rage
20. Jealousy
21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
22. Fear / Grief / Depression / Despair / Powerlessness

When you feel stuck in negative emotions, refer to the "Emotional Guidance Scale", and identify where you are.

Once you have found your place on the "Emotional Guidance Scale", your work is to try to find thoughts that give you a slight feeling of relief from the emotion you are feeling.

Use your thoughts, words, or positive affirmations to gently guide yourself up the scale.

I hope you find these manifestation techniques helpful. If you have any manifestation techniques of your own, feel free to share down in the comments section.

Post by Kenneth Wong
Courtesy to / 22-manifestation-techniques

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What Is The 17 Second Rule – Attract Anything In 17 Seconds

If you have only 17 seconds to make an important transformation and a huge investment in changing your life, then the 17 second manifestation method might be for you. According to famous author Abraham Hicks, the ignition point of manifestation can happen within 17 seconds of clear thought. But what is the 17 second rule, and how do you apply it to manifest your desires fast?

The 17 second law declares that the manifestation process commences once a single thought has been held in the mind for 17 seconds. ​Abraham refers to this as the “combustion point”. You can intensify your desire and strengthen it until the thought spans up to 68 seconds. 

The 17-second rule is an excellent method of fulfilling your desires. You’re creating a powerful attraction that will be energetically drawn to you as you focus on your primary desire. When you hold a thought for 17 seconds, you are setting it in motion for manifestation. Once in motion, the physical desire is transformed into your life.

What Is The 17 Second Manifestation Rule?

The theory behind this rule is to get you to think and focus purely for 17 seconds. You have the power to place your attention wherever you want, and you can direct your attention from something unwanted and put it back on something you desire. 

Your thoughts and emotions emit a vibration. The universe answers these vibrations via the law of attraction. When your vibration expands and becomes even more powerful, it is strengthened, and manifestation happens. It explains why concentrating on a thought or affirmation for 17 seconds will result in a perfect alignment for attraction to occur.

Abraham Hicks states for thoughts to be taken seriously within your subconscious mind, you must hold the idea, affirmation or desire for 17 seconds. He describes this as the combustion point, where the thought engulfs your mind and energy. Once the 17 seconds has passed, you must hold the image for 51 seconds for the idea to imprint in your mind. In total, the 17 second rule should take 68 seconds to complete. 

This method is best for people having difficulty letting go of their desires. You can utilise the 17 second rule by focusing your mind on a thought or idea, speaking aloud, or writing the intention down as an affirmation. The key to making it will work is not to contradict the thought during the period of 17 seconds.

Whether you want it or not, you get what enters your thoughts. The point of attraction is where you are right now at this moment. Regardless of what you are thinking now, it will determine your future. It is a particularly effective method because it specifies a certain amount of time to focus on making your desire happen. 

Just keep returning to the chosen thought until it becomes automatic and second nature. With the 17-second rule, it is not too challenging to switch vibrational patterns. You will gain mastery by doing it a little bit at a time. But keep in mind that if you contradicted your thoughts while performing the ritual or suffered from distraction. Every part of that 68 seconds gets more intense than the last. Because of this, it creates an incredible point of attraction.

A majority of people will have better results when they know how long they should be spending on an exercise. If you are able to perform this ritual even once a day for a total of 68 seconds and go about your day and let go of your attachment to the desire, it will create a perfect alignment.

How To Use The 17 Second Rule?

1. Think Of A Positive Thought To Clear The Mind

You need to have a positive thought and be at a high vibration level. Think about happy memories that bring about good feelings. One example is to utilise the feeling of relief. Remind yourself, for instance, that you are on the path to greatness. Try to convince yourself that you are where you need to be right now.

2. Remove All Distractions

Avoid being distracted for 17 seconds, limit distractions, and do not allow them to ruin the manifestation. Find a peaceful place where you can be alone for a couple of minutes and close the door. An area outside works really well. Turn off all distractions and place your mobile phone in aeroplane mode.  

3. Choose A Single Desire To Manifest

Once you have good feelings and your vibration is high, focus on one thing you really want to manifest. You can hold the image in your mind, repeat the desire for 17 seconds or read an affirmation that describes your desire. You are now feeling fantastic, and you should feel even better when you are focusing on your desire. 

4. Set A Timer For 68 Seconds With A 17 Second Segment 

Set a time for 17 seconds and only think of your desire or read your affirmation. Only focus entirely on this one task and don’t allow anything to appear in your mind, or you will weaken the manifestation. When the timer goes off, you are now going to set it for 51 seconds. 

It would help if you tried to recall happy feelings once again. Start by focusing on your initial desire and then allow the thought to be more detailed and more intense for the rest of the 51 seconds.

5. Show Gratitude To The Universe 

Have gratitude for the universe for bringing your desires to you and then set the desire free. Gratitude and thankfulness is a positive reaction to the universe and demonstrates your worthy of receiving your desire. When we are thankful for the things we are manifesting, our vibrational energy making attraction occurs faster. 

Does The 369 Method Have To Be 17 Seconds?

In general, the 369 manifestation method requires you to find an affirmation that resonates with you and your desire. You need to apply the 17-second rule while writing this affirmation, and it should take you at least 17 seconds to write it down.

Like spoke words and affirmations, writing your affirmations for the 369 method should take 17 seconds or more because it connects your written word to the subconscious mind. The reason, if you hurry writing your affirmations, the subconscious mind might miss the importance of the statement or desire your affirming and manifestation might be blocked. 

Suppose you want to slow down your writing and enable the subconscious mind to attach to your affirmation, attempt writing your affirmations with your non-dominant hand. It will reduce the writing speed and focus the mind on every letter and word because it will be harder. That way, your subconscious mind is being imprinted with your affirmation multiple times daily. 

Interested in a manifestation method that gets results? The 369 method could be the technique you need.

Be More Productive With The 17-Second Rule

A majority of people will experience a time in their life where bad moments are more numerous than the good ones. These periods can rob you of your vital essence, passion, and ultimately your life vision. The majority of people will find it easier to cling to bad moods rather than shift their attention to the positive. But it is not difficult to shift your mindset. A mere 17 seconds is all it takes.

There have been enormous advancements in neuroscience that try to discover the power of states such as happiness, compassion, and many others. There is burgeoning scientific evidence that every person can rewire their brain, which will result in happier states, higher levels of energy, and productivity.

The 17-second rule is related to the law of attraction. The method is simple and straightforward and can be of help to everyone. This routine will require a total of 68 seconds per day which can improve your mood and make you become more aware of opportunities. It will increase the likelihood of making your visions and dreams happen.

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How To Manifest In 17 Seconds In 5 Steps

It only takes 17 seconds for you to set a manifestation in motion. Read this blog post to learn how to manifest using the 17-second manifestation method in 5 steps.

The 17-second rule is developed by Abraham-Hicks, which is a group of spiritual beings channeled by Esther Hicks, who is a teacher of the Law of Attraction and author of the best-selling book, Ask and It Is Given.

The 17-second rule states that when you focus on a thought for 17 seconds, you activate the vibration of the thought. And when you focus on a thought for 68 seconds, the vibration becomes powerful enough to manifest itself in real life.

This method is excellent for newcomers to manifesting because it gives you a concrete number to aim for.

Follow these 5 steps below to learn how to manifest in 17 seconds.

Step 1: Pick One Thing To Manifest

woman sitting on the floor thinking

The first step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to pick one thing to manifest.

You may have a million things you want to attract right now.

But, the best way to manifest is to focus on one thing at a time.

Being crystal clear about one specific desire helps you cultivate the feeling of that experience and attract it into your reality.

Step 2: Visualize Your Desire 

man meditating

The second step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to visualize how good it feels to experience your desire.

As I discuss in my manifestation book, Feeling Good, your energy creates your reality.

Therefore, it’s important to remember that it’s the feeling that attracts when it comes to manifestation.

Out of the 22 manifestation techniques available, the best way to get into the feeling of what you want to experience is through visualization

Close your eyes and imagine how good it feels to experience your desire. Allow your mind to create visions of what you want to manifest. Surrender to the creative power of your imagination.

You’ll know your visualization is working if it feels good.

Let that positive vibration surge through your body, mind, and spirit.

Allow your emotion to climb up the Emotional Guidance Scale and vibrate at feelings of joy, love, and appreciation.

Step 3: Focus On The Thought For 17 Seconds

girl thinking

The third step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to focus on this good-feeling thought for 17 seconds.

Once you get into your feel-good state, start a timer on your phone for 17 seconds.

Close your eyes again and focus on all the positive feelings, emotions, and thoughts that come to mind.

You’ll notice that it becomes easier and easier to reach for better-feeling thoughts.

This is the Law of Attraction at work. When you focus on a thought for 17 seconds, you activate the vibration of the thought. This means the thought’s vibration is strong enough to attract similar thoughts.

But your work is not done here! Abraham-Hicks says it takes 68 seconds for the vibration of the thought to become powerful enough to manifest in physical reality.

Step 4: Focus On The Thought For 68 Seconds

woman smiling

The fourth step to using the 17 Second Manifestation Method is to focus on the positive thought for 68 seconds, which means 3 more cycles of 17 seconds.

Set a timer for 51 seconds and turn your attention to your desire again.

Close your eyes and surrender to all positive feelings, emotions, and thoughts that come up.

Every 17 seconds you spend focusing on a thought strengthens its vibration even more.

By focusing on the thought for 68 seconds, the vibration becomes strong enough to manifest itself in the physical plane.

Step 5: Let Go and Allow

Woman in A Colorful Knitted Shirt And Gray Headwear

The fifth step to manifesting in 17 seconds is to let go and allow the Universe to do its thing.

After spending 68 seconds on the positive vibration of your desire, you are now in vibrational alignment with what you want.

This means that the Universe is conspiring to deliver you people, objects, and situations that are a vibrational match for you.

Your only job is to be patient and receive what the Universe has in store for you.

Be open and receptive to new opportunities that come your way.

Trust that your energy will do for you what you cannot do for yourself.

Keep taking action while maintaining positive and high vibrational energy.

While you are waiting for your manifestation, keep your vibration high using these "I Am affirmations, prayers to the Universe, or affirmation cards" to detach from the outcome and maintain your vibrational alignment with what you want.

Post by Kenneth Wong
Courtesy to / how-to-manifest-in-17-seconds-in-5-steps/

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Motto / Quote  
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence”.
Helen Keller


How To Use The 369 Manifestation Method In 5 Steps

The 369 Manifestation Method has been super popular lately. This blog post will teach you how you use the 369 Method to manifest what you want in 5 steps.

The 369 Method requires you to write an affirmation 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening.

The 369 Manifestation Method works by raising your energetic vibration through the repetition of positive affirmations. 

The goal of the 369 Method is to help you achieve vibrational alignment with your desire and then attract it into your reality through the Law of Attraction.

The 369 Method is perfect for you if you are someone who thrives on following routines when manifesting.

Follow the 5 steps below and use the 369 Manifestation Method to manifest what you want.

Step 1: Choose One Thing To Manifest

man writing on paper

The first step to using the 369 Manifestation Method is to choose one thing to manifest.

You probably have a million things you want to attract right now. 

But, the easiest way to manifest is to focus on one thing at a time.

Being crystal clear about a specific desire helps you cultivate the feeling of that experience and attract it into your reality.

So print out your 369 Manifestation Method Template and write down exactly what you want to manifest at this time.

For example, if you want to find love, write down, “I want to manifest a relationship,” at the top of your page.

Knowing what you want will help you choose an affirmation that is relevant and specific to your situation.

Step 2: Pick Your Affirmation

girl on laptop

The second step to using the 369 Manifestation Method is to pick an affirmation that supports your desire.

Browse through my Affirmations Archive and choose an affirmation that resonates with you or write your own affirmation.

Now you may be wondering… how do you know which affirmation to use?

The best affirmations follow the 3 P’s rule: Positive, present, and personal.

Affirmations only work when they are framed from a positive perspective, written in the present tense, and about you.

Read my 3 Keys To Using Affirmations blog post to learn more.

Above all else, your affirmation should make you feel good.

Check the Emotional Guidance Scale to see what kind of emotions your affirmation brings up in you.

By the Law of Attraction, energies that are in vibrational alignment are drawn to each other like a magnet.

So the higher the vibration, the more positive the outcomes you will attract.

Continuing with our previous example, an affirmation that could work would be, “It feels so good to be in a committed and loving relationship.”

Step 3: Write Your Affirmation 3 Times In The Morning

woman in bed

The third step to using the 369 Manifestation Method is to write your affirmation 3 times in the morning.

The moment you wake up, write down your affirmation 3 times on your 369 Manifestation Method Template. (Or you can write your affirmations digitally—just do whatever is the most comfortable for you.)

After you write your affirmations, follow it up with your Manifestation Morning Routine to manifest even more miracles during the day.

Mornings are the best time for getting into vibrational alignment with your desire because you’ve just spent the whole night sleeping in a state of non-resistance.

By the time you wake up, your energy is in a neutral state which means you have the opportunity to raise your vibration by leaning toward positivity or lower your vibration by leaning toward negativity.

Step 4: Write Your Affirmation 6 Times In The Afternoon

Product Images - 369 Manifestation Method

The fourth step to using the 369 Manifestation Method is to write your affirmation 6 times in the afternoon.

This allows you to release any negative energy you accumulated in the morning and come back into vibrational alignment with your desire.

To get the most of out the 369 Method, I recommend you to say the affirmations out loud and follow it up with a quick visualization meditation.

Visualization will help you channel your affirmation as if it has already come true.

Let the positive message raise your energy. Imagine how good it feels as if the affirmation is already true. Allow high vibrational emotions to take over your body, mind, and spirit.

Step 5: Write Your Affirmation 9 Times Before Bed

man with a book

The fifth step to using the 369 Manifestation Method is to write your affirmation 9 times before you go to bed.

You are always manifesting your reality—even when you’re asleep. 

According to the Law of Vibration, everything in the universe is made up of energy that is vibrating at a specific frequency.

And by the Law of Attraction, energies that vibrate at the same frequency are drawn to each other.

This means that even though you are unconscious when you are sleeping, your energy is still actively vibrating and attracting its likeness.

So by writing your affirmations 9 times to raise your energetic vibration before you go to sleep, you can literally manifest your desires while you are sleeping.

Download Your 369 Manifestation Method Template

Product Images - 369 Manifestation Method

Use this 369 Manifestation Method Template to manifest your desires using the power of positive affirmations.

Download this template to stay on track with your 369 Method.

Simply print it out and you can get started with your 369 manifestations.

Post by Kenneth Wong
Courtesy to / how-to-use-the-369-manifestation-method-in-5-steps

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Motto / Quote  
"Most intellectual people do not believe in God, but they fear him just the same."
Wilhelm Reich


How Long Does it Take for '369 Manifestations' to Work?

woman mirror

The 369 manifestation method is similar to the Law of Attraction, which is a powerful universal law that can attract anything you desire.
The law of attraction is there for everyone to harness and use to their benefits. The 369 manifestation is a structured scripting method that assists the law of attraction. But what exactly is it, and how long does it take for your manifestation to become a reality?

On average, it should take the 369 Manifestation method 45 days to work, so you can receive your manifestation, but you must be consistent.
The calculation is 3+3 = 6, 6+6 = 12 and 9+9 = 18. When you add 6+12+18 it equals 36. Therefore, you should use the 369 method for 36 days to get results.

However, if you have a strong connection to your desire it can happen within 7 days. You need to apply the 17-second rule while writing your affirmation and write your manifestation goals 3 times when you wake up, 6 times mid-day, and 9 times at nightfall.

Renowned physicist Nikola Tesla believed that the numbers 3,6, and 9 hold a great significance to the universe.
He discovered that if we could understand the importance of this number sequence, we can harness the power they possess. These numbers can be used to fit the perfect manifestation technique and scripting practice. But the universe demands time for it to work.

Tesla believed that the numbers 3,6, and 9 hold a great significance to the universe.
He once said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”

  • The number 3 signifies creativity, imagination, and manifestation.
  • The number 6 is all about harmony, balance, and flow.
  • The number 9 represents completion or full circle.

When you put all these numbers together, it equals to 18.
And in numerology, the number 18 is known as The Moon card, which symbolizes new beginnings, intuition, and psychic abilities.

Consequently, why does it take less then 45 days (36 days) for your manifestation to appear when using the 369 manifestation method?

How many days do you do the 369 method is dependent on your ability to complete each step for 36 days.
When you finish the 369 method you would have written your affirmation 648 times. Which is incredibly powerful.

  • 3+3 = 6
  • 6+6 = 12
  • 9+9 = 18
  • Total 36 days

The reason, the law of attraction, needs time to work. You must identify precisely what you desire and write it down regularly. This imprints your desires onto your subconscious mind.
When your subconscious mind understands what your goals are, it transforms your vibrational frequency. Then you begin to match the desire you crave, and attraction happens. 

The 369 manifestation scripting focuses your mind on your goal and generates excitement, belief and confidence your manifestation will happen. If you fail to believe your desires will arrive, then the law of attraction doesn’t work. By scripting multiple times everyday it helps manifest your desire within 45 days. 

However, many people have received their manifestation a lot faster than 45 days. Some individuals have connected exceptionally quickly with their desires, and attraction has occurred within days. Yet, I’ve witnessed some people’s manifestation take months or years, and several people have never received their manifestations. Suggesting the method works, but it can’t guarantee your success.  

How Many Times Do You Need To Do The 369 Method?

The original method of the 369 manifestations is writing down your heart’s desire in a specific sequence in a journal or note pad. It must be physically written by hand and not on a computer or electronic device. You write your goals 3 times when you wake up, 6 times during mid-day, and 9 times at nightfall. 

You should continue this for 45 daysor until your desire comes true. Whichever comes first.

It’s best to practice the 369 manifestation technique at the same time every day. It will make it more manageable to be consistent, and you can use this period to switch off from your other work and focus on your desires. Script your first 3 goals at 6am, the second scripting session is at 1pm, and finally, finish your day by writing my 9 goals at 9pm.

How Many Days Do You Do The 369 Method?

The 369 manifestation technique is to be used for a minimum of 36 days or once your desire has manifested.
Ideally, you should use it for as long as it takes until your desire manifests into your reality. However, if after two months nothing has happened, I would recommend trying something different

You could either change the wording or improve the quality of your goals. For example, if you want a new job, don’t just say “I want a new job.” Instead be more specific and state what kind of job, the salary you desire, the working hours and benefits you want. The more detailed your goals are, the better.

If you manifesting a relationship, again be as specific as you can.
Describe the type of relationship, how often you want to see each other, what activities you enjoy doing together, where you would like to live and so on. The more specific your goals are, the easier it is for the universe to understand what you desire, and the quicker your manifestation will appear.

What Happens if you miss a day?

If you miss a day of scripting, don’t worry about it too much. Just pick up where you left off and continue with the process. It shouldn’t effect your desire being manifested unless its your first week of using the method. The main thing is to be consistent and try not to miss more than 3 days in a row.

If you do miss 3 days, or its your first week and you have missed a day, then start again from the beginning. It’s better to be consistent with your scripting than to write down your goals haphazardly. Remember, the universe responds best when you’re specific, and it helps if you can be systematic in your approach.

Therefore, how many days do you do the 369 method depends on how consistent you are with the method and the size and difficulty of your manifestation. Believing and having faith in your manifestation makes the 369 method work faster.

How To Use The 369 Manifestation Method?

  • Step 1 – The most accepted and most straightforward version of the 369 manifestation method requires you to write down the exact goal your want to manifest in as much detail as possible. For example, “I have $...... in my bank account by 1st December which has come to me for my hard work in providing incredible service to my customers“. 
  • Step 2 – Handwrite your goal in a journal or note pad 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times at night. 
  • Step 3 – You should continue this ritual for 45 days or until your desire appears.

Another common technique is to concentrate on your affirmation or goal instead of writing it down. Put a strong focus on the person you’re becoming in the morning, focus specifically on the plan midday, and at night, concentrate on your ultimate goal and image you have already achieved it.

You can also try selecting 3 different affirmations or goals, repeating them write them down 6 times morning, noon and night, and then focussing directly on your goal for 9 minutes. You can strengthen your connection to your goal by looking at pictures and listening to music or subliminal messages.

369 Manifestation Method And The 17-Second Rule

When you write down your affirmation or goal, it should take you at least 17 seconds. This being the 17-second rule. The reason for doing this is simple. You are striving to connect with the universe through your subconscious mind, and it takes 17 seconds for your subconscious to connect to the writing and the idea being sent into the universe using infinite intelligence.

Use care and emotion when choosing your affirmations, desires and goals. It will truly make a difference when it comes to whether you will be successful in getting what you want. If you haven’t done this before, you may be either excited or sceptical. Just remember that you need to start small. Choose something that you want but not something that is totally consuming your mind. Doing so takes any pressure off the universe so that it can work its magic for you.

Written by David Curran / how-long-does-it-take-for-369-manifestations-to-work

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“You can originate thought and since thoughts are creative, you can create for yourself the things you desire.”
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