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LifeEnergy & Vitality for Your protection and Success!

-Magickal- SYMBOLS & Special TREND Filter Packs | Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments ACCESSORIES ~

Symbols & Trend Filter Packs  -  Prices / Order  |  Recommended Accessories  |  Life Energy & Life Force Equipments & ACCESSORIES Catalog & Prices

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Motto / Quote  
"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way."
Napoleon Hilll ['Lesson One: The Master Mind', The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons (1925)]


Special Trend Filter Symbol Packs for virtual modulation of Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone)

Symbol Packs

AOD48-C: Alphabet of Desire 48 Classic Pack | AOD48-N: Alphabet of Desire 48 New Pack | AOD48-C+N: Alphabet of Desire 48 Classic + New Pack | SZEP-C: Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack Classic | SZEP-N: Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack New | SZEP-C+N: Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Classic + New Pack | SXP-C: Sex Pack Classic | SXP-N: Sex Pack New | SXP-C+N: Sex Pack Classic + New | SLIN-C: Super Learning & Intelligence Pack Classic | SLIN-N: Super Learning & Intelligence Pack New | SLIN-C+N: Super Learning & Intelligence Pack Classic + New | BMP-C: Business Money Pack Classic | BMP-N: Business Money Pack New | BMP-C+N: Business Money Pack Classic + New | PSP-C: People Skills Pack Classic | PSP-N: People Skills Pack New | PSP-C+N: People Skills Pack Classic + New | GP-C: Gambling Pack Classic | GP-N: Gambling Pack Pack New | GP-C+N: Gambling Pack Classic + New | LP-C: Legal Pack Classic | LP-N: Legal Pack Pack New | LP-C+N: Legal Pack Classic + New | ATD-N: Attack & Defense Pack New | AOD-8C: All 8 Alphabet of Desire Classic Packs | AOD-9N: All 9 Alphabet of Desire New Packs  ||  AoS: Alphabet of Success | Creat: The Creativity Icon Card Set | FWL: Fitness & Weight Loss  ||  ADE: Das 'Alphabet Des Erfolges' Pack - The Alphabet of Success (ADE)  ||  Chakras: the 7 main subtle energy center | Astro: Astrology | ADM: Astro-Dynamic Manifestation | FSD: Feng Shui Dynamic  ||  Runes-u: Armanen Runes (The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes - upright) | Runes-r: Eighteen Sacred Futhork Armanen Runes Reversed Cards | Runes-u+r: Eighteen Sacred Futhork Armanen Runes Reversed Cards (upright and reversed) | Tarot-Cups: Cups (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Pentacles: Pentacles (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Swords: Swords (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Wands: Wands (upright + reversed) / Tarot-MajorArcana: Major Arcana (upright + reversed) / TarotC+P+S+W+MA: Tarot Cups + Pentacles + Swords + Wands + Major Arcana (upright + reversed)  ||  Kb: Kabbalah | HT: Hebrew Talismans | KOS (CS): Key of Solomon (Claviculae Salamonis) | Lem (Lemegeton): the Lesser Key of King Solomon | Abr/p (Abramelin/pack): The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage / chapters | Abr (Abramelin): The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage | ADPS: Archangels & Demons & Planetary Spirits | GV: Grimorium Verum | Dt: Deviltraps | CS: Crystal Spirits | GG: Germanic Gods | GS: Gnostic Symbols | DU: Destructive Urbain | DrF (Dr. Faustus): The Black Raven / The Threefold Coercion of Hell | I-Tarot: Infernal Tarot | SageOTP: Sage Of The Pyramids | Woodoo: Woodoo Symbols | ST: Shinto Talismans | MSP: Magickal Symbol Packs additional Symbols (as a gift :-))  
Handling fee: $9.99  0.99USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Download information about the ordered goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Now; Symbol Packs with -10%, -11%, -15% and/or -20% Discount Price!
First select, then click/tap on the PayPal image below!
Ask (in email) for a special discount price regarding ANY combinations of the available Symbol Packs, Specific Special Frequencies and Chi Vitality Cards, and/or any of each- and their combination!

Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments suggested & recommended Accessories

Filter Packs
& -magickal- Symbols

Filter Packs &-magickal- symbols
These are sets of well-known and very effective accessories to the Life Energy & Life Force Equipment with integrated Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®.

These -special- accessories, symbols or filters, function as structural links to a variety of TRENDs, and acts as a "modulators" of lifeforce & lifeenergy (chi, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy).

You can find also very good Icons for different trends (trend-energies) in the 'AOS - Alphabet of Success' and in the 'Creativity' icon packs.
Use them when you will apply the 'Success Strategies'. LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipment with built-in Chi Generator® & Orgone Generator® Accessories: Filter Packs &-magickal- symbols

They are especially advantageous for the person who are at the beginning of using manifestation techniques and action at a distance.

You can use them with one of the Manifestation Radionics Program, or you can print them (on 4x4 cm size) and put on your Life Energy Generator Equipment, between the device and the 'structural link' (TC 99, RAOPTC and/or PBT 2400) what you are using to transfer the generated life energy (life force, chi, prana, od, orgone, bio-energy, etc.) to you.

  Symbols from Filter Package AOD (Alphabet Of Desire) 

Filter Packs &-magickal- symbols Filter Packs &-magickal- symbols

Recommended & suggested filter packs and -magickal- symbols:
the AOD (Alphabet of Desire), the Stress-Zapper/Energy-Booster Pack, the Sex Pack, the Super Learning & Intelligence Pack, the Business and Money Pack, the Legal Pack, the People Skills Pack, the Attack and Defense Pack, the Gambling Pack, the Chakras Card Set, the Rune Cards, the Tarot Cards, the Astro-Dynamic Manifestation Pack, the Feng Shui Dynamic Pack, etc.
the AOS (Alphabet of Success), Creativity, Weight Loss, etc., etc.

Check also other 'Filters & -magickal- Symbols Packs'  >>>



Marketing slogan »  
Want to know the SECRET of successful manifestation? We can give you in 5 simple words: enough Life Energy to succeed!


Life Force & Life Energy Equipments powered with- & boosted by Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

suggested & recommended Accessories

The Filter Packs & -magickal- Symbols

In the following you find sets of well-known and very effective accessories to the LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments powered- and boosted with Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®.

These accessories, symbols or filters, function as structural links to a variety of trends, and acts as a "modulators" of lifeforce & lifeenergy (chi, prana, orgone, bioenergy).

They are especially advantageous for the person who are at the beginning of using manifestation techniques and action at a distance (aad).

See the theory about action at a distance on this web site to gain an understanding why abstractions such as filter cards, symbols and numeric settings (radionic rates - and not 'radionic frequencies!-) are valid structural links.
The Radionic devices, as stated earlier, are universal structural links.

Choose the adeqaute symbol what represents best your programmed 'trend', print it (on 2 x 2 ich / 5 x 5 cm) and put it on top of your Life Energy generator Equipment, between the device and the transfer link you carry with you (TC 99 or/and PBT 2400).

Recommended to be used also in- and with the Radionics Manifestation Programs

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols AoD - The Alphabet of Desire
(Classic & New Packs)

Also, now; the all '9 Packs New AoD - Alphabet of Desire' is available -beside English- in French, German, Spanish and Italian languages!

Symbols Symbols
Old Classic AOD30

SYMBOLS in this pack (The Alphabet of Desire Classic AOD):
01correct bad situation, 02meditation, 03astral projection, 04money, 05enhance mental healing, 06business and job, 07improve domestic relations, 08energy, 09spiritual strength, 10physical strength, 11protecion, 12improve sex, 13against addiction and obsession, 14escape danger, 15control anger, 16attract friends, 17avoid unwanted person, 18strengthen existing love, 19change of luck, 20good fortune, 21safe journey, 22divorce or leave lover, 23have a child, 24increase intelligence, 25comfort sorrows, 26win a lawsuit, 27win contest, 28ease worry, 29help a child, 30new love,

 The New Alphabet of Desire is a set of 48 cards with archetypal symbol designs.

   Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories to the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Alphabet of Success | Alphabet of Desire | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Symbols
New AOD48

SYMBOLS in this pack (The Alphabet of Desire AOD48):
Gain Favors, Friendship, Charisma, Excellent Teamwork, Self Trust, FindgoodJob, HelpWithCompletion, BalanceHarmony, StressRelief, Energy, Overcome Fatigue, StrengthEnergyVitality, SecureSuccess, OptimismAndSuccess, SolveProblems, GamblingLuck, Money, ANewLove, SolidifyLove, EroticThought, ArtisticSuccess(PowerfulImagination), OvercomeWorry, CalmEmotions, ProtectionFrom PhysicalDanger, ReverseEvil, DestroyPlots&Tricks, HighlyTunedInstincts, Concentration, InspireCreativity, PowerOfPersuasion, LeaveUndesirableSituation, AidMeditation, IncreaseAbilityToProject, MentalHealing, ImproveDomesticRelations, PhysicalEnergy, SpiritualStrength, EscapeDanger, ControlAnger, AvoidUnwantedPerson, ChangeOfLuck, GoodFortune, SafeJourney, DivorceLeaveLover, IncreaseIntelligence, ComfortSorrowsAndSuffering, WinLawsuit, HelpAChild

These designs are structural representations (trend links) that account for most basic desires that an individual may have.
Combine the cards and you can set up appropriate energy filters for most anything you plan to do: from Self-Help to skillful Trend Management!

Included in the Manifestation Radionic Program & Manifestation Ultimate Pro!

The New 'Alphabet of Desire' filter- and symbols package, -beside English language- is available also in French-, German- and Italian languages!

Used together with the "Alphabet of Success" (please see below) could be a very good & effective combination!

AOD Classic Packs: AOD old/classic + Business & Money + Gambling + Legal + People Skills + Sex pack + Stresszapper-Energy + Super Intelligence

AOD New Packs: AoD48 + Attack & Defense + Business & Money Pack + Energy Pack + Gambling Pack + Legal Pack + People Skills Pack + Sex Pack + SUper Learning & Intelligence Pack + Stress Zapper + Energy Pack (+ Stress Zapper--1-2)

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator® & Orgone Generator® Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols SZP 20 - Stress-Zapper & Energy-Booster Pack

Symbols Symbols
Old (24)   &   New (20)

We live in an era that is a multiple daily challenge to our body, mind, and emotions.
This is so, because the place where we are working is not safe, the food that we are eating is not safe, and the environment in which we are living is not safe. Therefore, the demands of life are often more than our body and mind can handle.
The usual results are enormous stress, lack of energy and overweight.

That's where the Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack comes to your relief, and it certainly can be a significant help in weight loss!

SYMBOLS in this pack (Stress-Zapper & Energy-Booster):
Muscle Strength, Rejuvenation Recovery, Cell Regeneration - Fast Recovery, Energy & Vitality, Speed & Aggression, Relaxation & Stress Relief, Emotional Calm and Strength, Overcome Fatigue, Discipline in Training, Boost Muscle Exercises More Reps, Boost Specific Sports Skills, Improved Coordination, Boost Precision, Caution during High Performance Increased Fat Burning, Counteract Food Advertising (Boycott Junk Foods), Enjoy Regular Workout, Make Dietary Discipline Enjoyable, Restful Sleep, Autogenic Training Booster

Use this set of tools one to two hours a day, and you will notice a significant difference in how you feel: relaxed and invigorated! More importantly, you can get a lot more done than before and you are going to get it done well!

A combination with Autogenic Training is excellent for this purpose.
For the person ionvolved in sports, body building and exercises, this is extraordinary performance enhancement that defies detection!

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols SXP 20 - The Sex Pack - 20 cards

Symbols     Symbols | Lilith © Lilith

The Sex-Pack is designed to bridge the gap between you and total sexual ecstasy with the partner that fits you best!
It is a set of archetypal links with the trends that you can apply in most situations that arise in a relationship. For instance, the sex/pack can help you find this special person who is the love of your life.
Describe the person whom you want to meet and put the filters of the sex/pack to work!

If you like to cause someone you know to look more favorably at you, select the appropriate filters to draw that special person towards you and boost it with the life energy & life force from the Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator integrated into yopur equipment !

SYMBOLS in this pack (Sex):
Thrillingly Romantic, Irresistible to others, Magnetic Appeal, Project Strength, Project Security, Wild Abandon Lust, Erotic Power Female, Erotic Power Male, Boost Sexual Arousal, Erotic Thought, Friendship, Attract Partner, A New Love, Solidify Existing Love, Special Love, Adulteries, Marital Love, Breakup, Hostility, Emotional Outbursts

If you need to rekindle an existing relationship and bring variation into your sex life, the Sex-Pack has the right filters for this purpose!
There is something for every taste and for every desire in this extraordinary set of archetypal designs!

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols IN 20 - Super Learning & Intelligence Pack - 20 cards

Symbols Symbols

The Super Learning and Intelligence Pack is designed to help increase mental skills!
Use Self-Management Techniques to help boost intelligence and intuition.

SYMBOLS in this pack (Super Learning & Intelligence):
PoetryWritingSkills, MusicTalent, VisualArts, BasicScientificUnderstanding, HighScienceComprehension, 6MathematicalSkills, CreativeHighTech, Invention, PassTests, Wisdom&Knowledge, BoostIntelligence, NewConceptsQuick, FunInLearning, LearnFast, LearnLanguages, IncreaseMentalEnergy, AchievingConsistency, PowerfulIntuition, CommunicateInspiration, Creativity

This exclusive package can make all learning and acquiring of new skills what it should be: relaxing, easy, and fun!
Ideal in combination with any low pulse orgone & prana & chi frequencies and any LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments powered with- and boosted by -genuine- Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators !

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols BMP 20 - Business and Money Pack
- 20 cards

Symbols Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Business and Money Pack

Pave your road to spectacular success with the help of this exciting set of Tools!

Designed to improve your efficiency, creative skills, intuition and logic in business and to get this feel of money that is so crucial for your overall success!

SYMBOLS in this pack (Business and Money):
Power of Persuasion, Pragmatism, Excellent Teamwork, Travel Success, Successful Completion, Gain Favors, Business Secrets Unveiled, Know True from False Friends, Brainstroming, Find Trouble Areas, Foresight, Evaluation, Inspire Workforce, Success in the Arts, Business Success, Money / Money in General, Conclusion, Advertising Success (Influence Masses), Self Confidence, Secure Success, Succeed Effortlessly

This set contains also an arsenal of tools that are helpful in your dealings with other people: business partners, opponents, associates, employees, professionals, etc.

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols LP 24 - Legal Pack
- 24 cards

Symbols Filter Packs / Symbols

Covers situations that come up in legal matters.

SYMBOLS in this pack (Legal): Legal Matters, Attract Witness, Eliminate Witness, Attract Good Lawyer, Attract Bad Lawyer, Affection of Judge, Successful Bribe, Person Looking Good, Person Looking Bad, Sow Discord, Influence Others, Gain Important Evidence, Eliminate Evidence, Power of Persuasion, Discover Secrets, True from False Friends, Find Other Ways, Secret Operations, Avoid Lawsuit, Self Confidence, Avoid Mistakes, Foul up Lawyer, Lawyer Hostility Hatred of Judge

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols AD 20 Attack and Defense Pack
- 20 cards

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Attack and Defense | AOD Alphabet of Desire Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols

An excellent help for protection, designed to calm any attacker down.

SYMBOLS in this pack (Attack and Defense): Calm Turbulence, Reverse Evil, Protection (Physical Danger), Destroy Plots & Tricks, Solve Problems, Blasting Glyph, Devil Trap, Positive Pragmatic Attitude, Hinder Sorcerers From Operating, Discover Any Magick, UndoMagic, Cause Army Appear, Breakup, Emotional Outbursts, Chaos Bombs, Cause Insanity, Hostility, Confusion (Poor Decision), Cause Uncontrollable Lust, Protection Against Magic

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols PSP 20 People Skills Pack
- 20 cards

Filter Packs & Symbols Filter Packs & Symbols

It's excellent strenght and power that helps you in dealing with people, partnerships, public speaking, politics, etc.

SYMBOLS in this pack (Attack and Defense): Leadership, Insights, AssertioveConvincing, MagneticAppeal, QuickCorrectResponse, IrresistibleToOthers, ExcellentCommunicationSkills, Popularity, PublicSpeakingSuccess 10PoliticalSkillsLeadership, NegotiationSkills, OthersPerformForYou, IntuitiveInsights, ShowOptimism, ProjectCharisma, LeadWithEnthusiasm, PersuasionDemagogics, Teamwork, AttractFriends, EnjoyPeople

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols GP 20 Gambling Pack - 20 cards

Filter Packs & Symbols Symbols

SYMBOLS in this pack (Gambling Pack): SelfConfidence, Positive Attitude Towards Gambling and Winning, Run Gambling like a business, Ease worries, fear and tension, Block Magick coming from others, Correct intuition, correct insights, Success with systems and workouts, Boost psychic skills, Select honest bookies, Blackjack and Poker skills, Roulette Skills, Casino skills in general, Dog Racing skills, Horse betting skills, Sports betting skills, State Lotteries skills, Private Gambling Skills, Stock market gambling skills, Cause opponents to be nervous & desperate, Cause losing streaks in opponents

new New!
Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols All nine AoD (Alphabet of Desire) Packs

      (9 Packs New AoD)

    Now, can be ordered also as a one package! (Please check!)

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The Astrology Cards

Astro Signs  |  Planets / Planetary Squarez
Astro Symbols Astro Symbols

Astrology symbols of planets, houses and signs, house disk [ elements / houses / planets / signs ].
  Specifically designed for setting up astrology-based trend energies.

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols ADM-Pack with House Disk
(Astro-Dynamic Manifestation)

ADM Symbols Astro-Dynamic Manifestation

SYMBOLS in this pack ADM-Pack with House Disk (Astro-Dynamic Manifestation): 01stHouse, 02ndHouse, 03rdHouse, 04thHouse, 05thHouse, 06thHouse, 07thHouse, 08thHouse, 09thHouse, 10thHouse, 11thHouse, 12thHouse, AstrologicalHouses, p_jupiter, p_mars, p_mercury, p_moon, p_neptune, p_pluto, p_saturn, p_sun, p_uranus, p_venus, s_aquarius, s_aries, s_cancer, s_capricorn, s_gemini, s_leo, s_libra, s_pisces, s_sagittarius, s_scorpio, s_taurus, s_virgo

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The Feng Shui Dynamic & Feng Shui Plus Cards

Filter Packs & Symbols

Bagua and all eight Feng Shui energies - the eight energies three fold for multiple applications

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Seven Chakras Card Set

Chakra Symbols

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols I Ching


Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The Rune Cards

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols

The creative energies of the universe together with a Rune Circle
- Do not order unless you have some basic knowledge about the Runes

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The Tarot Cards

Tarot cards
Cups / Major Arcana / Pentacles / Swords / Wands
- Do not order unless you have some basic knowledge about the Tarot


Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The 'Alphabet of Success' Icon Pack

Symbols -Magickal- Symbols

Special Symbols & Filter Cards icons  (comes with our new Manifestation Ultimate Pro Radionic Program, together with the AOD - Alphabet of Desire Symbols Filter Pack)

SYMBOLS / Icons in this pack ('Alphabet of Success'):
Gain_Favors, Help_Completion, Successful_Strategies, Overall_success_in_general, Success_with_Arts, Success_with_Music, Overcome_Competition, Viable_Opportunities_opening_up, Secure_Success, Safe_Journey, Avoid_unwanted_person_or_situation, Change_of_luck, Good_fortune, For_protection, Project_Charisma, Excellent_Teamwork, To_overcome_worries, Pragmatism_Adaptability, Intelligent_Decisions, Public_Appeal, Leadership, Optimism_and_Success, Self_Confidence, Secure_SuccessManaging_Skills, Start_New_Ventures, Project_Power, Public_Speaking_Communicator, Efficiency_Time_Management, Project_Wealth, Win_a_Lawsuit, Gambling_and_stock_market, Find_a_Job, Boost_Finances, Balance_Harmony, Inner_Peace, Relaxation_Recovery, Concentration_Powers, Stress_Relief, Overcome_Fatigue, Physical_Energy, Inner_Equilibrium_and_Balance, Vitality_Physical_Strength, Powerful_Intuition, Boost_Intelligence, Innovative_Ideas_Creativity, Maximum_Brainl_Power, Attract_Friends, For_friendship_with_a_person, Improve_domestic_relations, To_help_a_Child, A_new_Love, Attracting_Women, Attracting_a_man, Thrillingly_Romantic, Solidify_a_Love, Marriage

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Das 'Alphabet Des Erfolges' Pack
    (The Alphabet of Success - German Language, now available with English translations)

Alphabet Des Erfolges / 07Intelligenz

SYMBOLS / Icons in this pack (Alphabet Des Erfolges):
01Entspannung-RELAXATION, 02Ausgeglichenheit_Harmonie-BALANCE AND HARMONY, 03Lösung von Problemen-SOLVING PROBLEMS, 04Verjüngung-REJUVENATION-REGENERATION, 05Energie und Kraftaufbau-ENERGY AND STRENGHT, 06Regeneration, 07Intelligenz-INTELLIGENCE, 08Charisma, 09Durchsetzungsvermögen-ASSERTIVENESS, 10Karriere und Beruf-CAREER AND PROFESSION, 11Geschäftsverbesserung-BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT, 12Vermehrung von Geld und Besitz-INCREASE IN MONEY AND POSESSIONS, 13Neue Freundschaften Gewinnen-MAKING NEW FRIENDS, 14Freundschaften Vertiefen-DEEPENING FRIENDSHIPS, 15Eine Neue Liebe Gewinnen-FINDING A NEW LOVE, 16Für Wahre Liebe-FOR TRUE LOVE, 17Sexuelle Erfüllung-SEXUAL FULFILLMENT, 18Anerkennung-RECOGNITION, 19Zuversicht-CONFIDENCE, 20Erfolg auf Reisen-SUCCESS ON TRAVELS, 21Für Glück im Allgemeinen-FOR LUCK (IN ALL), 22Prüfungen Bestehen-PASSING EXAMS, 23Meditation und Entspannung-MEDITATION AND RELAXATION, 24Für Schutz-FOR PROTECTION,

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The 'Creativity' Icon Pack


SYMBOLS / Icons in this pack:

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The 'Weight Loss' Icon Pack


SYMBOLS / Icons in this pack:
Sub_Conscious_Success_Certainty, Decisively_Goal_Conscious, Total_Success_Expected, Positive_Self_Image, Eliminate_Doubts_and_Worries, Decisive_Optimism, Perfect_Timing_and_Scheduling, Food_Satisfies, Understand_Individual_Needs, Boost_Overall_Activity, More_Calories_Burned, Vitality_and_Vigor, Enjoy_Healthy_Fasting, Rapid_Recovery_after_Workout, Enjoy_Healthy_Workout, Enjoy_Healthy_Diet, Physical_and_Mental_Energy, Stress_Relief, Subconscious_Junk_Rejection, Food_Advertising_Ineffective, Pragmatic_Adaptation, Weightloss_Strategies, Intelligent_Decisions, Overall_Habit_Change, Suppress_Appetite New_Positive_Self_Image, Select_Optimal_Supplements, Excellent_Team_Work.

etc., etc...

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Magickal symbols and filter packs | Grimoires

Can be ordered now:

The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage* | The Key of Solomon the King (Clavis Salomonis / Claviculae Salamonis) / The Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis) | Grimorium verum | Deviltraps | Doctor Johannes Faust's Miracle and Magic Book or The Black Raven, or also called the Threefold Coercion of Hell | Infernal Tarot | Crystal Spirits | Germanic Gods | Gnostic symbols | Destructive Urbain | Sage of the Pyramids | Planet Spirits | Hebrew Talismans | Kabbalah | Shinto Talismans | Woodoo
etc., etc...

* The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage:
past and future, info propositions, spirits appear, visions, familiar spirits shape, learn alchemy, cause tempests, again magick, find secrets, unnoticability, astral shape, love magick, hate discord, appearance, the worst, destructive, discover the thefts, open locks doors, get money, armed men appear, etc...

The complete AOD (Alphabet of Desire) Filter Packs in Detail

Available also in German, Italian, French and Spanish languages...

Alphabet of Desire
(AoD 48)

Gain Favors
Excellent Teamwork
Self Trust
Find good Job
Help with Completion
Balcance and Harmony
Stress Relief
Overcome Fatigue
Spiritual Strength
Escape Danger
Control Anger
Avoid Unwanted Person
Secure Success
Solve Problems
Gambling Stocks
A New Love
Solidify Love
Erotic Thought
Success in the Arts
Overccome Worries
Calm Emotions
Change of Luck
Good Fortune
Safe Journey
Divorce or Leave Lover
Reverse Evil
Destroy Plots
Tuned Instincts
Leave Undesirables
Aid Meditation
Ability to Project
Mental Healing
Improve Domestic Relations
Physical Energy
Comfort Sorrows
Win Lawsuit
Help a Child

Stress Zapper Energy Pack

Muscle Strength
Rejuvenation Recovery.
Cell Regeneration, Fast Recovery
Energy & Vitality
Speed & Aggression
Relaxation Stress Relief
Emotional Calm and Strength.
Overcome Fatigue
Discipline in Training
Boost Muscle Exercises More Reps
Boost Specific Sports Skills
Improved Coordination
Boost Precision
Caution during High Performance
Increased Fat Burning
Counteract Food Advertising
Enjoy Regular Workout
Make Dietary Discipline Enjoyable
Restful Sleep
Autogenic Training Booster

Sex Pack

Thrillingly Romantic
Magnetic Appeal
Project Strength
Project Security
Wild Abandon Lust
Erotic Power Female
Erotic Power Male
Boost Sexual Arousal
Erotic Thought
Attract Partner
New Love
Solidify Existing Love
Special Love
Marital Love
Emotional Outbursts

Intelligence Pack

Poetry and Writing
Musical Talent
Visual Arts
High Science
Creative High Tech
Pass Tests
Wisdom and Knowledge
Boost Intelligence
New Concepts Quick
Fun in Learning
Learn Fast
Mental Energy

Business and Money

Power of Persuasion
Travel Success
Successful Completion
Business Secrets Unveiled
Know True from False Friends
Find Trouble Areas
Foresight, Evaluation
Inspire Workforce
Success in the Arts
Business Success
Money / Money in General
Advertising Success
Self Confidence
Secure Success
Succeed Effortlessly

Legal Pack

Legal Matters
Attract Witness
Eliminate Witness
Attract Good Lawyer
Attract Bad Lawyer
Affection of Judge
Successful Bribe
Person Looking Good
Person Looking Bad
Sow Discord
Influence Others
Gain Important Evidence
Eliminate Evidence
Power of Persuasion
Discover Secrets
True from False Friends
Find Other Ways
Secret Operations
Avoid Lawsuit
Self Confidence
Avoid Mistakes
Foul up Lawyer
Lawyer Hostility
Hatred of Judge

People Skills Pack

Magnetic Appeal
Quick Reaction
Communication Skills
Public Speaking
Political Skill
Negotiation Skills
Others Perform for You
Intuitive Insights
Show Optimism
Project Charisma
Attract Friends
Enjoy People

Attack / Defense Pack

Calm Turbulence
Reverse Evil
Destroy Plots
Solve Problems
Blasting Glyph
Devil Trap
Positive Pragmatic Attitude
Hinder Sorcerers From Operating
Discover Any Magick
Cause Army Appear
Emotional Outbursts
Chaos Bombs
Cause Insanity
Confusion, Poor Decision
Cause Uncontrollable Lust
Protection Against Magic

Gambling Pack

Self Confidence
Positive Attitude Towards Gambling and Winning
Run Gambling like a business
Ease worries, fear and tension
Block Magick coming from others
Correct Intuition
Success with Workouts and Prediction Systems
Powerful Psychic Skills
Connect with Good Bookie
Card Games, Poker, Blackjack
Casino in General
Dog Races
Horse Races
Sports Betting
State Lotteries
Private Gambling
Stock Market
Make Opponents Nervous and Desperate
Cause Losing Streaks

The Alphabet of Success Filter Icon Pack in Detail

01 Gain Favors
02 Help Completion
03 Successful Strategies
04 Overall Success in general
05 Success with Arts
06 Success with Music
07 Overcome Competition
08 Viable Opportunities Opening up
09 Secure Success
10 Safe Journey
11 avoid unwanted person or situation
12 change of luck
13 good fortune
14 for protection
15 Project Charisma
16 Excellent Teamwork
17 to overcome worries
18 Pragmatism Adaptability
19 Intelligent Decisions
20 Public Appeal
21 leadership
22 optimism and success
23 Self Confidence
24 Secure SuccessManaging Skills
25 Start New Ventures
26 Project Power
27 Public Speaking Communicator
28 Efficiency Time Management
29 Project Wealth
30 Win a Lawsuit
31 gambling and stock market
32 Find a Job
33 Boost Finances
34 Balance Harmony
35 Inner Peace
36 Relaxation Recovery
37 Concentration Powers
38 Stress Relief
39 Overcome Fatigue
40 Physical Energy
41 Inner Equilibrium and Balance
42 Vitality Physical Strength
43 Powerful Intuition
44 Boost Intelligence
45 Innovative Ideas Creativity
46 Maximum Brainl Power
47 Attract Friends
48 for friendship with a person
49 improve domestic relations
50 To help a Child
51 a new love
52 Attracting Women
53 attracting a man
54 Thrillingly Romantic
55 solidify a love
56 Marriage

The CREATIVITY Filter Icon Pack (in Detail)


The Weightloss & Fitness Filter Icon Pack (in Detail)

01 Sub Conscious Success Certainty
02 Decisively Goal Conscious
03 Total Success Expected
04 Positive Self Image
05 Eliminate Doubts and Worries
06 Decisive Optimism
07 Perfect Timing and Scheduling
08 Food Satisfies
09 Understand Individual Needs
10 Boost Overall Activity
11 More Calories Burned
12 Vitality and Vigor
13 Enjoy Healthy Fasting
14 Rapid Recovery after Workout
15 Enjoy Healthy Workout
16 Enjoy Healthy Diet
17 Physical and Mental Energy
18 Stress Relief
19 Subconscious Junk Rejection
20 Food Advertising Ineffective
21 Pragmatic Adaptation
22 Weightloss Strategies
23 Intelligent Decisions
24 Overall Habit Change
25 Suppress Appetite
26 New Positive Self Imafge
27 Select Optimal Supplements
28 Excellent Team Work

The Symbol & icon packs and images™ are intelectual properties protected by international law of copyright, and also are protected by powerful internal settings against any form of illegal use and use of unauthorized and/or bootlegged copy or any other system / program that contains ideas adapted from this program, whether purchased from and unauthorized dealer or received otherwise. It is certainly a bad idea and dangerous fact to misjudge the potentially grave consequences of such action!



The right setup?
Finally I find the right setup with my Manifestation Program! I made some mistakes first time when I set it up, and I was not concrete enough on my "Main Trend". Also, as you explained, now I can take much easier the right radionic rate too. Thanks a lot for your help!
Result are appearing and goals getting achieved!
Grüß, Werner (Leipzig, Germany)


Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments powered with- & boosted by Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® Accessories

-Magickal- Symbols & Filter Packs

Acts as -virtual- "modulators" of Life Energy & Life Force (chi, ki, mana, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy, etc.)   Symbols & Filter Packs
(-Magickal- Symbols & Filter Packs are available now only as downloads in zipped packages!)


Life Energy generator Equipments recommended Accesories  |  Special Trend Filter Symbol Packs for virtual modulation of Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone)

Symbol Packs

Now; with -10% Discount Price!
AoD48-C: Alphabet of Desire 48 Classic Pack | AoD48-N: Alphabet of Desire 48 New Pack | AoD48-C+N: Alphabet of Desire 48 Classic + New Pack | SZEP-C: Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack Classic | SZEP-N: Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack New | SZEP-C+N: Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Classic + New Pack | SXP-C: Sex Pack Classic | SXP-N: Sex Pack New | SXP-C+N: Sex Pack Classic + New | SLIN-C: Super Learning & Intelligence Pack Classic | SLIN-N: Super Learning & Intelligence Pack New | SLIN-C+N: Super Learning & Intelligence Pack Classic + New | BMP-C: Business Money Pack Classic | BMP-N: Business Money Pack New | BMP-C+N: Business Money Pack Classic + New | PSP-C: People Skills Pack Classic | PSP-N: People Skills Pack New | PSP-C+N: People Skills Pack Classic + New | GP-C: Gambling Pack Classic | GP-N: Gambling Pack Pack New | GP-C+N: Gambling Pack Classic + New | LP-C: Legal Pack Classic | LP-N: Legal Pack Pack New | LP-C+N: Legal Pack Classic + New | ATD-N: Attack & Defense Pack New | AOD-8C: All 8 Alphabet of Desire Classic Packs | AOD-9N: All 9 Alphabet of Desire New Packs  ||  AoS: Alphabet of Success | Creat: The Creativity Icon Card Set | FWL: Fitness & Weight Loss  ||  Astro: Astrology | ADM: Astro-Dynamic Manifestation | Chakras: the 7 main subtle energy center | FSD: Feng Shui Dynamic  ||  Runes-u: Armanen Runes (The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes - upright) | Runes-r: Eighteen Sacred Futhork Armanen Runes Reversed Cards | Runes-u+r: Eighteen Sacred Futhork Armanen Runes Reversed Cards (upright and reversed) | Tarot-Cups: Cups (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Pentacles: Pentacles (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Swords: Swords (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Wands: Wands (upright + reversed) / Tarot-MajorArcana: Major Arcana (upright + reversed) / TarotC+P+S+W+MA: Tarot Cups + Pentacles +Swords + Wands + Major Arcana (upright + reversed)  ||  Kb: Kabbalah | HT: Hebrew Talismans | KoS (CS): Key of Solomon (Claviculae Salamonis) | Lem (Lemegeton): the Lesser Key of King Solomon | Abr (Abramelin): The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage | ADPS: Archangels & Demons & Planetary Spirits | GV: Grimorium Verum | Dt: Deviltraps | CS: Crystal Spirits | GG: Germanic Gods | GS: Gnostic Symbols | DU: Destructive Urbain | DrF (Dr. Faustus): The Black Raven / The Threefold Coercion of Hell | I-Tarot: Infernal Tarot | SageOTP: Sage Of The Pyramids | Woodoo: Woodoo Symbols | ST: Shinto Talismans additional Symbols (as a gift :-))
Handling fee: $9.99  3.33USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Please choose / select, (scroll down to see all) then click / tap on below -PayPal- image!

Ask (in email) for a special discount price regarding ANY of the available Symbol Packs, Specific Special Frequencies and Chi Vitality Cards, or any of their combination!
  According to the Delivery Address, click / tap the

Price Catalogs for the

  usa USA     eu EU  
        globe Worldwide orders    


Filter Packs
& Symbols

Now (for a limited time); with -10% Discount Price!

Download information will be sent in a separate email in max. 48 hours after purchase!

AoD 48: Alphabet of Desire (AoD Pack 48)
Classic (30): $69.00-10%
New (48): $79.00-10%
Both Packs (Classic & New): $148.00-15%, Save: $22.20  $125.80

: Sex Pack
Classic (24): $29.00-10%
New (20): $39.00-10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

: Stress Zapper  &  Energy Booster Pack
Classic (24): $29.00 -10%
New (20): $39.00 -10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

: Super Learning & Intelligence Pack
Classic (24): $29.00 -10%
New (20): $39.00 -10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

BMP: Business Money Pack
Classic (24): $29.00 -10%
New (20): $39.00 -10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

LP: Legal Pack
Classic (24): $29.00 -10%
New (20): $39.00 -10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

PSP: People Skills Pack
Classic (24): $29.00 -10%
New (20): $39.00 -10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

GP: Gambling Pack
Classic (24): $29.00 -10%
New (20): $39.00 -10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

ATD: Attack & Defense Pack -- $39.00
New (20): $39.00 -10%

All Classic AoD Packs: All Eight (AoD) Classic Packs -- $312.00 -20%, Save: $62.40  $249.60
All New AoD Packs: All Nine (AoD) New Packs -- $391.00 -20%, Save: $78.20  $312.80

: Astrology-Pack -- $39.00 -10%

ADM 20: ADM-Pack with House Disk -- $39.00 -10%

Chakra : Seven Chakras Card Set -- $9.00 -10%

Feng Shui: FengShui-Plus Card Set -- $39.00 -10%

I-Ching: I-Ching Card Set -- $39.00 -10%

Armanen Runes: The Runes Card Set -- $39.00 -10%

Armanen Runes: The Reversed Runes Card Set -- $39.00 -10%
Armanen Runes: Upright and Reversed $78.00-15%, Save: $11.70 -- $66.30

Tarot (incl. reversed): The Tarot Card Set -- $39.00 -10% / set
Major Arcana:
Tarot (Cups & Pentacles & Swords & Wands & Major Arcana): $195.00-15%, Save: $29.25  $165.75

'ADE' Pack: Das 'Alphabet Des Erfolges' -- $39.00 -10%

Das 'Alphabet Des Erfolges' Pack: The Alphabet of Success (ADE) -- $39.00 -10%
German Language, now available with English translation (!)

Icon Symbols & Filter Packs

Creat: The Creativity Icon Card Set (8) -- $19.00 -10%

W & F: The Weightloss & Fitness Icon Card Set (28) --  $29.00 -10%

AoS: The Alphabet of Success Icon Card Set (56) -- $89.00 -10%

Magickal symbol packs


The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - 20 pack x $9.99-10% =  $199.80
$9.99/pack - Can be ordered by packs...


The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - ALL packs:   $199.80-15%, Save: $29.97 = $169.83
$39.00 -10%
Grimorium Verum
$39.00 -10%
$9.00 -10%
Infernal Tarot
$69.00 -10%
Crystal Spirits
$29.00 -10%
Germanic Gods
$29.00 -10%
Gnostic Symbols
$9.00 -10%
$19.00 -10%
Shinto Talismans
$79.00 -10%
$9.00 -10%
Available as downloads (packed in .zip files)!
Order different and correspondent symbol & filter packages for your purpose and to your needs, send email for special discount and different package & symbols combination...
Check also the 'Radionics Manifestation Programs' which have already containing some of the Symbols packages... (!)
Contact us also if you need any special symbol, and could not find it in one of our package...

Magickal Symbol Packs

Abramelin (20 packs), Archangels & Demons & Planetary Spirits, Key of Solomon - Claviculae Salamonis, Lemegeton, Grimorium Verum, Deviltraps, Dr. Faustus (The Black Raven / Threefold Coercion of Hell), Infernal Tarot, Crystal Spirits, Germanic Gods, Gnostic Symbols, Destructive Urbain, Sage Of The Pyramids, Hebrew Talismans, Kabbalah, Shinto Talismans, Woodoo.
$664.00 -15%

ALL Filters & Symbol Packs
$2150.63 -21%, Save: $451.63 = $1699



Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® made with Super Orgonite® and -recommended- Accessories
~ Shipping cost and offered Services ~

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Ask our help & support if you think you would need it.

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Inside EU (European Union)

Inside -contiguous- USA


Select / choose according to your shipping / delivery address!

» Short -but comprehensive- online MANUAL »»


Recommended KITs to order

Kit I. (Basic KIT - almost mandatory): Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment(s) powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
      +  corresponding and appropriate Accessories: Power Supplies [DC wall transformer (AC / DC adapter)]  +  Structural Link(s)  +  shipping cost  +  online support (!)
  Kit II.: KIT I. + DIGITAL Product KIT (!)


DIGITAL Product KITs »»

Digital Kit I.: Power Radionic 'Manifestation' program + additional online support
Digital Kit II.: Digital KIT I. + Filters Packs & Symbols
Digital Kit III.: Digital KIT II. Sounds & Frequencies
Digital Kit IV.: Digital KIT III. + Life Energy Chi Vitality Cards - the most complex and complete KIT, and -of course- the best choice !

Order in KITs to SAVE money!

Marketing slogan »  
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to boost your memory.


Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments Special Accessories
A Very Specific Structural Link

Chi Vitality Cards® / Chi Life Force Energy Card(s)

Powerful & continuous flow of Chi (Life)Energy & Vitality for you, -directly- in your pocket and / or billfold; at the best & lowest price! Now also available on your computer / laptop, tablet / iPad and on the mobile phone(s)!
This is Your personal Vitality Chi Card! »» next

. ~
Energy & Vitality for You, your family and your beloveds!

Personalized special Chi Vitality Card®  go

A continouos life force energy source in your wallet not just in printed form, but -now also- on your computer / laptop, tablet / iPad and your mobile phone!
The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most easy and elegant way for a -continuous- supply of Life Energy (Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.).
Chi Vitality Card + gift
Validity: 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 and months | Strongness / Power option: ST, DL, HD type. More info...
Starting from $19 USD ($) or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds), now -for a limited period of time, in this month (Dec.)- with 10% Discount!
Activation fee $9.99, today = $0.99 or € / £ !
Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
The personalised Chi Vitality Card(s) will be set up and sent in email in max. 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
giftGift: plus one week validity!
First; please choose / select, then click / tap on below PayPal image!
New ! Check now: Chi Vitality Card(s) + Manifestation Program(s) with -10% -or more- discount !

We are widely open to collaborate with self development coaches who would like to help their customers with (life)energy & vitality or anybody who want to help others -and themself- for a better, meaningful and successful life.   Inquiries by emails for Chi Vitality Cards are welcome!
  A very good opportunity to order (only now, but just for a limited period of time) !  
A continuous Life Force Energy source plus a trend management program for the 'virtual modulation' of these benefic subtle energies for your safety and success!
Chi Vitality Card  +  manifestation program - marketing success
hellblau | Chi Vitality Card Personalised Life Energy VITALITY Chi Card #12 (valid- and active 12 months, HD type!)  +  the 'tiptop' MANIFESTATION Programfor PCs (including ALL the -new- 9 packs of AOD - Alphabet of Desire symbol packs):
 $468-15%, Save:$69   $399 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)

Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by Welz Generators (Vital / Vitality Generators); Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

»» Internal Pages   Life Force & Life Energy Equipment
accessible for Life Energy & Life Force Generator Equipment owners »

All contents Copyright 1996 - 2024 © by HSCTI Inc. & BEC unless otherwise specified. All Rights Reserved!
Welz Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Orgone Generator®, Prana Generator®, Orgonite®, Structural Link® and Chi Card® are registered trademarks of Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International. Patents Pending.

Top... :: LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments with built-in Chi Generators® & Orgone Generators®
  ~     .

#1 World Leading Life Force & Life Energy Technology

Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated- Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
& Recommended Accessories


The official & complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices | Orders  continue
- click here -

» Home  /  -Magickal- SYMBOLS & Special TREND Filter Packs | Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments ACCESSORIES ~ »»
LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments

LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments

Energy & Vitality to You and for Your Success!


LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipment: Energy & Vitality for your -energetic protection & success!  |  CHI Manager: Managing succesfully the subtile energies  |  Life Energy & LIFE FORCE: The Absolut Power of the Universe!  |  Life Force Power RADIONICS: Radionics Devices, Trend Generating Systems & Manifestation Programs  |  Life Force MAGICK: New, modern -and efficient!- Techno-Magick  |  Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments: Genuine Life Force generator Equipments  |  Chi LIFE ENERGY Equipments for EU: CHI LifeEnergy & LifeForce generator Equipments for the European Union residents  |  ORGONE Generator: Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators  |  Life Energy BLOG: Interesting entries & posts  |  KH Welz: Magic of the Future (scientific course)  |  Special Chi VITALITY Card: the cheapest -continuous- energy source for you to succeed!  |  Tarjeta Chi de VITALIDAD: ¡Energía y vitalidad en tu bolsillo!  |  Welz / Welz  |  Chi FENG SHUI Dynamic : Feng Shui Chi energies always in your service: a new, modern, easy & efficient way!  |  Chi MIND Machines & Mind Trainers: Meditation & Relaxation & re-Vitalisation & Stress relief & Speed learning / Personal growing & Peak performances