A continouos life force energy source in your wallet not just in printed form, but -now also- on your computer / laptop, tablet / iPad and your mobile phone!
The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most easy and elegant way for a -continuous- supply of Life Energy(Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.).
We are widely open to collaborate with self development coaches who would like to help their customers with (life)energy & vitality or anybody who want to help others -and themself- for a better, meaningful and successful life.
Inquiries by emails for Chi Vitality Cards are welcome!
not just in printed form, but
now -also- on your computer, tablet & 'smart phone' / mobile phone !
Now; with -10% discount !
Continuous Life Force Energy Source for Your Protection and Success!
The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most easy and elegant way for a -continuous- supply of Life Energy(Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.).
Starting from $19 (#3ST)(payable also in other currencies too)! Activation (and handling) fee $9.99, today = $0.99 or € / £ !
Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
Goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Various validity time periods (3-, 6-, 9- and 12 months) !
Different Strenghs & Powers(ST: Standard, DL: DeLuxe, HD: Heavy Duty) !
We are widely open to collaborate with self development coaches who would like to help their customers with (life)energy & vitality or anybody who want to help others -and themself- for a better, meaningful and successful life.
Inquiries by emails for Chi Vitality Cards are welcome!
Order different and correspondent symbol & filter packages for your purpose and to your needs, send email for special discount and different package & symbols combination...
Check also the 'Radionics Manifestation Programs' which have already containing some of the Symbols packages... (!) Contact us also if you need any special symbol, and could not find it in one of our package...
Magickal Symbol Packs Abramelin (20 packs), Archangels & Demons & Planetary Spirits, Key of Solomon - Claviculae Salamonis, Lemegeton, Grimorium Verum, Deviltraps, Dr. Faustus (The Black Raven / Threefold Coercion of Hell), Infernal Tarot, Crystal Spirits, Germanic Gods, Gnostic Symbols, Destructive Urbain, Sage Of The Pyramids, Hebrew Talismans, Kabbalah, Shinto Talismans, Woodoo.
$664.00 -15%
"The 7 chakras" symbols package $9.00 -10% Downloadable zip file
Chi Vitality Card™ #6ST(valid- and active 6 months, ST type)+ the "7 Chakras" Symbols Package
$49 -12%
43 USD ($), or equivalent in €(EUR) or £ (Pounds)
Activation / validation & handling fee: $9.99$5(USD or equivalent in € or £)
Motto / Quote
“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” Brian Tracy
Special specific Sounds & Frequencies for virtual modulation of Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone)
Motto / Quote
'The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.'
Edward Teller
A continuous Life Force Energy source plus a trend management program for the 'virtual modulation' of these benefic subtle energies for your safety and success!
Excellent -unique- opportunity (only now, just for a limited period of time) !
Incl. the Feng Shui Dynamic (FSD) & Fitness / Weight Loss (F&WL) & (ADM) Astro Dynamic Manifestation Programs, and also included ALL the 9 New AOD pack & the AOS Symbol Pack(s)
Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templatesfor You
Order Manifestation Program Templates for your specifique needs, intensions and trends
$19.90 or equivalent in €(EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20%Discount for the next ones!
Handling fee: $9.90$3.9(USD or equivalent in € or £)
A very good opportunity to order(only now, but just for a limited period of time) !
A continuous Life Force Energy source plus a trend management program for the 'virtual modulation' of these benefic subtle energies for your safety and success!
Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templates for You
Order Manifestation Program Templates for your specifique trends and intensions
$19.90 or equivalent in €(EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20% Discount for the next ones!
Handling fee: $9.90$3.9(USD or equivalent in € or £)
Upgrade from Ultimate LITE to Ultimate PRO with 7.5% discount !
$369-99=270-11.5%=$240 USD + handling fee: $19.99 10USD (or equivalent in € or £) or equivalent in any currency
Motto / Quote
"When we are ready to make positive changes in our lives, we attract whatever we need to help us."
Louise L. Hay
Worldwide orders!
Digital KIT #C21:
Continuous & powerful Life Energy source with an easy and useful software to manage your intentions and -desired- 'trends' together with the included symbols and -special- frequencies for the virtual modulation of the Life Energy to reach your programmed goals sooner and easier!
Continuous & powerful Life Energy source with an easy and useful software to manage your intentions and -desired- 'trends' together with the included symbols and -special- frequencies for the virtual modulation of the Life Energy to reach your programmed goals sooner and easier!
With more than 25 years experience in distribution of Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments -and different Life Energy Accessories- Customer Support, we proudly offering valuable services,
trying to help- and support you as good- and as efficiently we can...
You can choose also from our on-line courses and learn about the 'Success Strategies'.
Find out the secret of the successful manifestation!
The 'Online support' is highly recommended to all who will order or, already ordered and wish more information, more help and support from us as usuallly (at every order is) offered.
You will see; every minutes worth it! You will also receive information what will never be found it in a written form! Note:
20% of the 'On-line support' cost can be deducted from the -following / next- order(s)!
Can not be combined with other bonus and / or other discounts!
On-line support& Personal Lessons / Online coaching
Worldwide Customers support! Order it now!
Prices in $(USD)or equivalent in €(EUR) or £(Pounds)
Recommended: $78-35%, Save: $29
$49 / one hour
Order now an additional extra hour of our Services and get it at half price (with -50%) $156-53.8%, Save: $82.50$73.50 / two hours
'Knowledge has its price!'
Different prices for different time intervals / time periods. Our World Class Support with the provided information: PRICELESS!
The complete CATALOG with -actual-Prices
Please select / choose according to the 'Delivery / Shipping Address' of the ordered package
Motto / Quote
"It is one of the beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself". Ralph Waldo Emerson P.S.
We strongly believe in
it by sharing these information with You...