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Testimonials / Reviews
about the Life Energy & Life Force Generator Equipments
powered with and boosted by Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
and Accessories
These 'statements' and 'testimonials', are feed-backs from our valued Customers, sent by email, chat-message, etc., and used with their fully approval and consent.
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Links to equipments and/or accessories added by us.
Many thanks for the recommended equipment and for the valuable information shared with me!
I already feel much more energized, I feel the vitality inside my body, especially after I am drinking my daily 2- 2,5 liter of energized- and optimized water. And I also started to use my equipment (RAD 2400 HD) together with the Manifestation Program (I found a lot of useful symbols). I put the transfer disk of PBT 2400 Booster to my keychain.
THANK YOU for everithing / Vielen Dank für alles!
Joachim (Dresda, Germany)
Best Customer Support!
I am so grateful for the great customer support I received! Quick, understandable and valuable asnwers to my -many- questions! Finally, this was the final impulse for my excellent decision to order my equipment. Professional support started from the ordering process (through online chat) and sales follow-up (assistance and advice how to use my new equipment). Thanks a lot!
Amelia (Portland, United States)
It's exciting!
My new equipment (PFC 2400 HD) works like a charm! I can feel the difference of orgone between high- and low frequency. Getting the right radionics rate it's so easy with the super-orgonite stickpad. The first results are already appeared after just couple of days.
Samuel (Auckland, New Zeeland)
Excellent choice, excellent equipment!
I am glad that I find your website and I ordered my new equipment. You were right: "investing in me, in my person and in my future, is the best investment ever!" I already feel much better, much energized using my new LPOG 2400, and I feel the vitality after drinking my energized living water. 6.3 Hz is my favorite frequency. Thanks for all.
Nicky (Birmingham, UK)
That one and a half hour spend online listen and learn about this new life force technology and about my new life energy equipment (PFC 2400) was the most beneficial and best spent in this year. Opened a totally new way to perceive, see and feel the word. The transfer couple of my energy booster (PBT 2400 HD) is always with me. :-)
Jean-Jaques (Lyon, France)
Energized water!
I like energized water taste and also felt energized. Just hoped that this equipment would have been stronger, but nevertheless, I am content with it and I am also confident that in short time I will be able to buy a new,- a -much!- stronger one.
Key (Bismarck, ND)
So, I just want to say very shortly, but from the bottom of my heart: THANKS!
Wanda (Brisbane, Australia)
The sky is the limit!
Thank you for your great advice: beside of a chi mind machine (JU 1000), having also the 'Manifestation Program' we can use it also as a virtual power radionics device too.
Beth & Tom (Toronto, Canada)
Wonderful Support!
Thanks for the highly skilled, quick and experienced & professional customer support. I was new to this technology, but with your help, I am now fully confident in my -personal- power and success!
James (Santa Fe, United States)
I buy my device two weeks ago, and I already improved my skills (learning languages -english- too). I can better relax, my meditation is deeper, and I have good / restful sleep. I use also the symbols you sent for stress relief and vitality. Improved also my running time. I am glad that I found your website. and I am happy. Take care.
Thanks / Grazie,
Giovanni (Torino, Italy)
I was surfing on net, searching for total other stuff, when, by "accident" I step into yours! Start reading and find -very- interesting information. After a couple of days, when I talk with somebody abroad, and also by "accident" she mentioned about the chi energy, I decided to come back and buy an equipment from you. Since that I am more energized in my work, I can handle much better my team, and I can focus much better to my goals.
Thank you for helping choosing the righ one for me.
Achim (Rotterdam, Holland)
Changed the frequency!
What I tried to achieve for more than a week -and not succeed it- now became reality: I just changed the frequency from 432Hz to 7.83 Hz (Schumann resonance). And, just little bit I changed also my "statement". I do not know which caused the major impact, but I realized that what I wrote on my "statement" become real. (I feel myself so lucky)!!
Dariusz (Gliwice, Polska)
Move forward?
I am using my equipment for more than couple weeks, but I do not see any results on my project; my ex boyfriend did not called me on phone, and I could not met him too. More of it, just heard that he is started to seeing another girl! Maybe I need to cut all relations with him, and move forward?
Greta (Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland)
Worth it!
This device (PFC 2400) give me absolutely more self confidence, and -beside of that- I feel energized. In the mornings I needed at least couple of hours to get into rhythm, now I can achieve that peak much earlier. I carry with me the transfer disk and always when I drink something, first I energize it. So far, works for me, worth every penny.
Emil (Turku, Suomi / Finland)
The right setup?
Finally I find the right setup with my Manifestation Program! I made some mistakes first time when I set it up, and I was not concrete enough on my "Main Trend". Also, as you explained, now I can take much easier the right radionic rate too. Thanks a lot for your help!
Result are appearing and goals getting achieved!
Grüß, Werner (Leipzig, Germany)
Powerful, but complicated!
I know that my life force equipment is very powerful, but seems -at first using- complicated. I feel the energy very strong, but what frequency shall I use for the 5 separate chi generators? Shall I set frequency, or shall I set trends? I think I would need again some advice, can I use the 'emergency session'?
José-Carlos (Malaga, España)
Man, you are amazing! It's the second time when I do the Transfer Test and feel again -very clearly- the life energy and life force (chi and orgone). How did you do it? It's mind boggling that from a piece of paper can radiate this energy. Yes, I am now convinced, I will surely buy my first device (the Rad 2000 I want)!
Earl (Cincinatti, Ohio / USA)
Very pleased!
Sir, I am very pleased with my new device (RAD 1000). I am writing this review with gratitude. I am already planning to buy 3 other device for my whole family! Thanks and wish you all the best!
Joao P. (Belo Horizonte, Brasil)
I feel the energy generated from my new equipment and I am using it always in my daily activities, but I need, I want more! I am sorry now that I did not bought a stonger and powerful one (like the RAD 2400 HD), but will do it soon. Energized water is excellent!
Dr. Helmut W (Genf, Swiss)
I protect my self! Lately I felt some very negative energetic attack against me. After I bought my equipment (LPOG 2400 HD) I made a very powerful protection against any negative energy that tried to reach me. After a couple of hours(!) I already can tell you that it's much better, the energetic shield is working well, and it have continuous supply from the equipment. Thank you for this excellent device, and thank you for the hints and advice!
Louisa, (Madison, Wisconsin / USA)
Do you think that somebody believe this non-sense about orgone and chi-energy?? It's pseudo-science!
Jean-Amir (Saint-Denis(?) / France)
I use my new AO 2000 for many purpose: energy for myself, and energize and optimize my food. Together with two pairs of RAOPTC I energize also my daily soup and the fruits and vegetables what I consume. I put one RAOPTC into the refrigerator and the food stays much more longer fresher!
Nathalie (Southampton, England / UK)
More power!
When I put the smaller (my older) ju 99 close to the new one (performer 2400) I felt more power, and the main trend I programmed on the new one started to working.
Radim (Brno, Czech Republic)
Thumb up!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the really kind gesture.
I will be looking at one of the more higher tier units in a year or so to cover my whole house, for the time being I hope to notice something from this, what tends to be the best way to use them? Just leaving them on 24/7?
Jamie (Manchester, England / UK)
Changed my point of view!
Started with that simple 'Transfer Test', couple of months ago, and now I am using and programming tmy second -even more powerful- device. Changed my life in a very positive way, feel more strengthen and better, and changed my point of view about life. Excellent devices and excellent customer support! Keep doing it at this high level!
Harold (Salem, USA)
It's excellent!
As I told you, the first results with my device where almost there. I feel more energized day by day, and at night I have a deep and very refreshing sleep. I usually did not sleep more than max. 6 hours, now I will try to reduce it at 5, so in this case, I will gain one full hour, what I can use also for me and for my self development.
My girlfriend gets only high / maximum notes on the exams at the University.
Gianni e Loretta (Bari, Italia)
Living Water!
Me and my family now always drink energized water! With the three AO 2000 I energize not only our room and ourself, but also the water what we are drinking during the day. My wife makes the cofee also from this energized water, and not even the taste its better, but we gain more energy.
Gracias! Roberto (Sevilla, Espana)
Action from the Distance!
You were right! (Again! :-))
with my Manifestation Radionic Program I succeed to change / modify the programmed Trend for one of my important business meeting. I had my laptop with me where it was installed the program and from Detroit I was able to change the Trend for my RAD 5 which is working in my home in Philadelphia. You guys are great! I am super excited, and I am only at the beginning of my new path!
Daniel (Philadelphia / PA)
Thank you!
I can only say 'thank you' and again 'thank you'!
Péter (Budapest, Hungary)
I never thought that I will be able to send easily energy (life energy & life force) to any distance and to anybody I want and wish to help. It's incredible! Thank you my friend for the equipment, and for your help and guidance!
Bobby (Hamilton / ON - Canada)
Fountain of youth!
I have an unfailing and inexhaustible source of energy! My LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipment constantly provides me with the necessary -beneficial- extra energy and extra vitality! It's like having a personal fountain of youth!
Christian (Bonn, Deutschland)
It's great!
Here's my short feedback for you: Now I have even more energy and I feel more vitality not only using my equipment, but also drinking my daily quantity of energized and optimized water! It' great!
Emily (Cork, Ireland)
More powerful?
Yes, things get happening, but not exactly as I wished. Do I need another, but powerful one? Which one you recommend? And yes, with the PBT 2400 I felt increased energy.
Olle (Göteborg, Sverige / Sweden)
Thank you for the 'frequency list' you sent! I will try them step by step. I took your advice; if I can not define for sure the correspondent frequency for my specific 'Trend' I will try to use then the 'Schumann frequency'. Merci!
Jérôme (Nantes, France)
Safety apartment!
With three JU 99 I protected energetically my apartment. It is working very well, the stronger equipment (PFC) I use for trend / radionics programming. Danke für alles und tschüß!
Max (Bochum, Germany)
Thumbs up! On both hands! ;-)
I really want to thank you for the equipment you sent (RAD 2400 HD) it's an excellent and a very powerful device. I had previously some experience with radionics, but this one is fabulous! Indeed, a new era in power-radionics!
Tom (Groningen, Holland / Netherlands)
Machines are great and strong! I use one for me and family, other for my farm. Great! I will buy agin only from you. Thank you the spanish manual. Feed-back again soon! (Sorry for my english).
Javier (Córdoba / Argentina)
More than energizing! :-)
I bought this device (JU 99) just for energizing myself and the inner space where I am living, but I realised that this small device can do much-much more for me! Thank you so much for the excellent support and advice!
Nicolette (Winnipeg, MB / Canada)
Programmable drink!
I created my first programmable drink, and it work! I would not tell you the purpose or even the trend I use, but I follow your advice and suggestion, and it works. Yes, I was able to do it, and now I am enjoy it a lot. This is awesome!
Bobby (Sacramento, CA / USA)
Working like a charm!
I received a lot of help (orgone & chi energy) from my equipment (RAD 5), in a couple of months I succeeded to finish almost half of the items from my priority list.
Anna (Cleveland, OH / USA)
Feel the energy!
Me, and also member of the family, feels the energy generated from my equipment, which we are using for energetic protector, and for wealth. Functioning 24 hours per day.
Carlos and the all family (Guadalajara, Mexico)
Amazing power!
I knew about Tai Chi, I knew about Yoga, I knew about Reiki and -for shorter and longer times periods- I practice them. But, I never felt such power and -after- that increased vitality what I felt when I turned on my equipment (PFC 2400 HD). Amazing and unbelievable! Congratulation guys, you are great!.
Tom, Fresno (CA), USA
Smoother skin!
Using my PBT, I energized my bathwater. After a couple of times I noticed that my skin was smoother and softer, the blue spots from my legs disappeared much sooner than usual. I started to energize and charge my body lotions, shower gels and body creams I am using.
Lorna, Baltimore (MD), USA
Counteract negativity!
My husband is politician, and I convinced him to carry with him the PBT 2400 HD of the stronger equipment we have. He can handle better the critics, he is not so tired as he was before, and also the "bad wording" articles (about him) stops in the -mainly- local media (newspaper).
Susana (Berlin, Deutschland)
Restful sleep!
Technically speaking, in a couple of weeks I
got back my habitual energy level, I am much better, and my 'bad' dreams are gone too. Now I need to keep this high energy level, so I am also meditate at least twice per day.
Thank you for the symbols, they where useful. I can sleep in one turn 5-6 hours, without waking up.
Jocelyn (Perth, Australia)
Above and beyond my expectation!
That is above and beyond what I expected - thank you so much.
That worked a treat. Thanks again for your help. You’re a star.
It is such a wonderful gift to share this knowledge with people - seriously good karma. That’s such wonderful... Words can’t describe how much this means, I have been looking for this knowledge all of my life. And for it to be given in such a generous way, with all the extra prompt and professional service. I wish you and your business every success. Looking forward to future dealings.
Mary-Claire (Cork, Ireland)
Awesome power!
Thanks. I am currently experimenting with some good results. Will contact you if I have some questions. The power of the RAD 5 energy is awesom.
Nikola (Sofia, Bulgaria)
It all makes sense.
Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule last weekend to talk to me. I really enjoyed meeting you and our time together.
And also thank you for your recommendations. It all makes sense.
Chris (Dallas, TX- USA)
So many information...
Not even know from where to start it. So many -new- information... But I can not deny, since I have my device I feel much better and energized, and can much easier fall to asleep and I can sleep much-much better then before .
The energized water have better taste.
Lizzy (San Antonio, TX / USA)
Energetical bridge
Thanks for the advice you gave and for the solution you share. I make the energetical bridge between my three equipments (JU 99, JU 1000 and PFC 2000) and it is clearly feeling the more -additional- flux of energy. I also added my "radionic statement" -as you explained- and put it on top of PFC 2000. The reults started to appear is no more than a week. I gave my PBT to my neighbor to use it :-)
Mikkel (Odense, Denmark)
Feng Shui Dynamic
Using the Feng Shui Dynamic filter package symbols and also the Feng Shui Dynamic Manifestation Program is so easy and so convenient. Makes my life easier and better. It was a prove for me when I set it up for my apartment and office, now I am helping this way my customers too. Indeed it is a much better Feng Shui!
Ava (Galway, Ireland)
Energizing rooms
I tried and works! As we spoke, I energize now -with low frequencies!- the waiting room and also the rest rooms in my office and cabinet. If sometimes they need to wait, people are more calm and relaxed, we do not have any complain as last time. Advise was good and worked!
Owen (Raleigh, NC / USA)
I am using, I am using, but so far I did not won the Lottery! ;-)
But -at least- I did not get the flu when almost all from the office was ill. I will write later.
Jürgen (Erfurt, Deutschland)
My Manifestation Program is working excellent. Was simply to install it and simple to use it (same as was promissed), and it is already carrying the results for me.
Thank you for the Filter pack / Symbols!
Thomas (Antwerpen, Belgium)
Dissappointed? No! Happy!!
After I received my device (PFC 2400) I programmed to find the right person who could be my reliable partner and will be my true love. Right next day I meet the man whom I thought that he could be. Unfortunatelly turned on that I was not right, he had totally other ideas. I was devastated, and emotionally destroyed. I didn't used and dealed with the equipment, I just simply forgot it, but -of course- the program was still running. And, after less then a week, I met on my friend's house, by accident (but as you mentioned; there is no such thing like 'accident', it is 'cause and effect') the man with who I am now for more than two months and our lifes are getting better and better. So, I affirm that 'there is providence'. Thank you.
Lotte (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Chi Vitality Card
Thank you for the Vitality Chi Card, I receive it I don't need to print it, I feel also on my mobile phone. My girlfriend was amazed that she also instantly felt it!
Mugurel (Iași, Romania)
Now I became a real Chi Manager!
I am working in a multinational telecom company in a very responsible lead position as a strategic purchasing manager for more than two decades. I used my new life energy chi device (RAD 2400) in a very complex and very important new project which involved at least 20 key persons for the success of the whole new project, and -after weeks of hard work- we finally succeed to resolve all issues and finalize with success a very hard and very crucial project regarding the future of me and also my company. What I felt, the happiness, the satisfaction and the fulfillment, I can not describe with words. Now, I am really feel that I am a successful Chi Manager!
Gustav (Stockholm (Solna), Sweden / Sverige)
No way!
I could not imagine that I, who never felt this energy in no ways, now I can use it and I can transfer it anywhere I want. I felt it when I did the 'transfer test', I felt it when I ordered my first Chi Vitality Card, and I am feeling it right now, when I am using my first equipment (PFC 2000). It's absolutely amazing! But, what is more interesting, everybody felt it to whom I showed my equipment!
Jean-Pierre (Nantes, France)
Energizing a coup of water takes me less than half minute!
JU 99 and JU 1000
Interesting, I feel more power on my 'older' JU 99 then on the new purchased JU 1000! My wife -who is much sensitive- clearly feel that JU 1000 have much power than the JU 99, and also my daughter confirmed this. So, I gave to her / them to use the new one, I will buy another one, this time -I think- a radionic one (the Rad 1000). Energizing the drinking water is very easy with both, on first sip I already feel the energy.
Sam (San José, CA / USA)
Charged and energized water
I am carrying with me always the transfer disk of my PBT 2400 and I am energizing also my drinking water in my office, and also when I am in a business trip too. So, I drink only energized, full charged and optimized liwing water. The changes are amazingly fantastic, not only in my diet, but also on my habits.
Alan (Braga, Portugal)
Fast shipping, received without any problem!
I receive it very fast, and without any problem, they delivered (from inside EU - Budapest) directly to my home. The unit I bought (PFC 2400) is excellent I am very satisfied with my purchase. Machine came with EU plug / adaptor, but without a printed manual, but I got by email the relevant information about the pages where I can find the online manuals and other important and relevant information.
Günter (Ingolstadt, Germany)
Low frequency; relaxing!
My new orgone generator really help in my recreation and relaxation. The transfer booster increase power and I can feel the energy when I am far away from my device. I am testing now different frequencies on the generator. Gracias.
Alejandro (San Francisco de Campeche, Mexico)
What I have obtained during this year? Everything!
The Power Manifestation Lite Radionic Program and a personal Life Energy Vitality Card (valid one full year): what a perfect kit! And what I have obtained during this year? Everything! I have a new, better job, I met the world most kind woman, we moved to a nicer and safer area and we had a -almost- one month trip across USA. This is what I call "success"!
Thank you!
Thank you for everything, you give me back my self-trust!
Walt (Portland, USA)
Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System
BioEnergy Corp. & BioEnergy Consultans
Life Energy & Life Force Equipments
powered with- and boosted by Chi Generators® & Prana Generators & Orgone Generators®
made with Orgonite® & Super-Orgonite® ~
~ New Chi Mind Machines® ~ Chi Mind Trainers® ~ Chi Power Life Force Radionics® ~ Chi Techno-Magick™ ~ Life Force Magick™ ~ Dynamic Feng Shui+™ ~ Aqua Optimizers™ ~ Astro-Dynamic Manifestation™ ~ Chi Vitality Card® ~ Manifestation Programs™ & Super Manifestation™ ~
All contents Copyrighted 1996 - 2025 © by HSCTI Inc. & BEC unless otherwise specified. All Rights Reserved!
Marketing slogan »
Tai Chi and / or Chi Kung, or even Yoga for hours? Forget it! Just power up your Life Energy & Life Force Equipments and you will be energized in seconds !
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® made with Super Orgonite® and -recommended- Accessories
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Please select / choose according to the 'Delivery / Shipping Address' of the ordered package
Recommended KITs to order
Kit I. (Basic KIT - almost mandatory): Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment(s) powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
corresponding and appropriate Accessories:
Power Supplies [DC wall transformer (AC / DC adapter)]
+ Structural Link(s) + shipping cost + online support (!)
Kit II.:
KIT I. + DIGITAL Product KIT (!)
DIGITAL Product KITs »»
Digital Kit I.:
Power Radionic 'Manifestation' program + additional online support
Digital Kit II.: Digital KIT I. + Filters Packs & Symbols
Digital Kit III.: Digital KIT II.
Sounds & Frequencies
Digital Kit IV.: Digital KIT III. + Life Energy Chi Vitality Cards - the most complex and complete KIT, and -of course- the best choice !
Marketing slogan »
Life Energy & Life Force x (Equipment + (Generator)) = Life Energy & Life Force Generator Equipment !
Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments Special Accessories
A Very Specific Structural Link
Chi Vitality Cards® / Chi Life Force Energy Card(s)
Special -personalized- Chi Vitality Cards®

Different Strenghs & Powers (ST: Standard, DL: DeLuxe, HD: Heavy Duty) !

Inquiries by emails for Chi Vitality Cards are welcome!

This unique offer will be shown only once per session. Don't loose this favorable possibility and don't waste this auspicious opportunity because afterward you will be sorry and surely will regret it! Order it now!
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(Vital / Vitality Generators); Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
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All contents Copyright 1996 - 2025 © by HSCTI Inc. & BEC unless otherwise specified. All Rights Reserved!
Welz Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Orgone Generator®, Prana Generator®, Orgonite®, Structural Link® and Chi Card® are registered trademarks of Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International.
Patents Pending.
#1 World Leading Life Force & Life Energy Technology
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated- Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Recommended Accessories
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Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System
Marketing slogan
Order now your new and performant Life Energy & Life Force Equipment to gain all advantages of using the subtle energies (Life Energy & Life Force, or chi / qi, prana, mana, od, orgone, bio-energy, etc.).
Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System
Marketing slogan
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want more charisma.
LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments
Energy & Vitality to You and for Your Success!