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"You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe."
Oprah Winfrey


Spiritual Wellness

Activating Your Light Body: A Guide through the Chakras

Subtle energy takes on new levels of spiritual significance through the fascinating, ancient Yogic system of the chakras. This map of the subtle energetic body dates back thousands of years, and has been shown to be a viable path towards personal wellness and enlightenment. So, what is a chakra? The word “chakra” in Sanskrit, means wheel, and refers to spinning vortexes of subtle energy that are said to flow throughout your body.

If you’ve ever attended a yoga class, you may have had your instructor ask you to place your awareness at the base of your spine, your heart center, or the point at the middle of your forehead. All of these physical locations correspond to the places where the some traditional chakras are said to be.

As time has marched on from the original Yogic texts that first revealed the chakra system, modern medicine has discovered the correlation between the chakras and the major glandular systems of the body. There are different interpretations of the chakras, some having 8, 12, or even more chakras located throughout the body, but in this article, we will examine the 7 traditional chakras, and how this system can be used as a guide to bring well being into your life on every level.

Here is a quick guide to help you to get in touch with your chakras and know that they are activated. This complete guide on how to activate chakras is a wonderful tool for healing and self-development that considers the full spectrum of the human experience. It is possible for chakras to be considered over or under active, so we will be sharing some tips in each section on how you can bring each energy center into health and balance.

1. Muladhara – Root Chakra


The root chakra is the first, and represents our connectedness to the Earthly realm. To have a strong, balanced base chakra is to feel stable materially, financially, and emotionally.

Color: Red

Location: Base of spine, from your tailbone to just below your navel. 

Qualities of a Healthy Root Chakra
– You feel at home in your body.
– You feel supported by life and your connections.
– You have physical energy to complete your tasks.
– In regards to your survival needs, you feel safe and secure.

Under-active Root Chakra
People with a low functioning root chakra may appear to others as lacking a “grounded” presence. They may feel passive, lacking the focus and determination needed to make things happen in the world.

Overactive Root Chakra
If the root chakra is over stimulated by living in “survival mode”, it may produce feelings of anxiety, aggression, and even fear. Symptoms may manifest in the body as issues with your digestion, pain in the lower back, leg/ hip injuries, trouble with the ovaries, or prostate gland.

Balancing Your Root Chakra
Taking care of the body is the key when it comes to keeping your root chakra in alignment. Go for a walk in nature, barefoot if possible. Doing yoga, and other forms of exercise also stimulate this energy center. Working in the garden, and offering community service can uplift the energy from this base center to keep it circulating throughout the rest of your subtle energy system.

2. Svadhishana – Sacral Chakra 


Next up is Svadishana, the Sacral Chakra. This energy center connects us with our creative self expression. It also represents our ability to take pleasure in life through food, sex, and connecting sensuously with life’s experience.

Color: Orange

Location: Your belly button, and the area slightly below it

Qualities of a Healthy Sacral Chakra
– You are able to express your creativity freely.
– You enjoy the pleasures of the 5 senses without guilt or going to excess.
– You are comfortable and balanced in your sexuality.

Under Active Sacral Chakra
You may have an under active second chakra if you feel you are experiencing a creative block. Other symptoms may include depression, lack of enjoyment of things you once enjoyed, and sexual impotence.

Overactive Sacral Chakra
This is the realm of addiction, where you are indulging in too much of a good thing, or things that aren’t good for you at all. Over activity in this area can lead to weight gain, hormone imbalance, and compulsive behaviors.

Balancing Your Sacral Chakra
You can bring energy to this center by making time for creative projects, enjoying healthy snacks, getting a massage, listening to good music, or anything else that uplifts your senses.

3. Manipura – Solar Plexus Chakra 


The third chakra relates to our sense of self, our will power, and the way we project our personality into the world. It also relates to our “gut instincts” and confidence.

Color: Yellow

Location: The area between your navel and the bottom center of your ribs.

Qualities of a Healthy Solar Plexus Chakra
– You have healthy self-esteem, feeling confident and capable.
– You feel in control of your will power.
– You are in touch with your wisdom & sense of inner knowing.

Under Active Solar Plexus Chakra
If this chakra is under active, you may give your power over to others and allow them to control you. Emotionally, you may feel insecure, needy, and indecisive.

Overactive Solar Plexus Chakra
Overactivity in this area may lead to being aggressive, controlling, and selfish. It can lead to issues with your digestive system and and all of its related organs includint the stomach, liver, and pancreas.

Balancing Your Solar Plexus Chakra
You can bring balance to this energy center by using positive affirmations about yourself, and focusing on your positive qualities. Keep this chakra from becoming over active by focusing your efforts for the benefit of others, as well as yourself.

4. Anahata – Heart Chakra


The fourth chakra is the heart center, and is the seat of love, kindness and compassion for self and others. It also therefore relates to wellness and healing.

Color: Green

Location: The center of your chest, from your collar bones to the bottom of your ribs.

Qualities of a Healthy Heart Chakra
– You give and receive love openly.
– You are able to have compassion for yourself and others.
– You take action from a place of kindness and generosity.

Under-active Heart Chakra
If you’ve experienced heartbreak, you may feel closed off from developing new connections with others. Loneliness, social anxiety, and depression are emotional indicators things aren’t functioning well here, and over time, this can lead to physical issues with your circulation.

Overactive Heart Chakra
Sometimes you can be too kind, and accidentally lose sight of healthy boundaries in relationships. Excess heart energy can lead us into situations where we are being taken advantage of, so it is important to be mindful to give love and compassion to yourself as well as others. On the physical level, watch for elevated heart rate, palpitations, and heart burn.

Balancing Your Heart Chakra
If you need help opening up to others, consider joining a service project that focuses on uplifting those who are in need. Wear or eat the color green. Consider caring for some house plants as an easy way to bring green into your life. Take time to care for yourself as well by taking time to relax and meditate with appreciation for all that you have, and all that you are.

5. Vishuddha – Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is our ability to use our voice to create positive change in the world. It allows us to speak with honor, truth, and courage.

Color: Blue

Location: The center of your neck, radiating from your lips to your collar bones.

Qualities of a Healthy Throat Chakra
– You speak with clarity, kindness, and truth.
– You are honest with yourself and others.
– You know what to say, and when to say it.
– You use your voice to uplift and inspire others.

Under-active Throat Chakra
If energy is lacking in this chakra, you may feel shy, timid, or even scared to speak up. When the time comes have a conversation, you may find yourself at a loss for words. Suppressing your voice may lead to teeth, jaw, or stomach issues.

Overactive Throat Chakra
Too much energy in the throat chakra can have you speaking too loudly, or too often, and not leaving room to listen. This can lead to throat pain or infection, mouth sores, and cavities.

Balancing Your Throat Chakra
Bringing energy to this chakra is as easy as speaking what’s on your mind. Call a friend, sing a song, or even write your ideas down to get your words out, and get communication flowing.

6. Ajna – Third-Eye Chakra


The sixth chakra allows us to perceive things beyond the mundane, physical reality. It is the seat of intuition, and all psychic energy.

Color: Violet / Indigo

Location: Between your eyebrows, radiating from your mouth to the crown of your head.

Qualities of a Healthy Third-Eye Chakra
– You feel connected to both the physical & spiritual world.
– You are open minded.
– You have a healthy sleep & dream life.
– You recognize your psychic abilities, and are willing to develop them.

Under-active Third-Eye Chakra
If your third eye is closed, you may feel that the material world is all there is. You feel disconnected from spirit, and your intuition and dreams. You may have trouble sleeping, headaches, allergy, and sinus issues.

Overactive Third-Eye Chakra
This center might be over active if you have a preoccupation with spirituality that interferes with living a normal human life. Over reliance on oracles, astrology, and other tools of intuition can be an indication you might need to focus time on activities that increase the energy of the lower chakras.

Balancing Your Third-Eye Chakra
Strengthening this chakra can be achieved by meditation. Visualization practices, keeping a dream journal, focusing your awareness on your third eye area, and contemplating spiritual texts can all be ways to bring energy to this center.

7. Sahaswara – Crown Chakra 


The seventh and final chakra represents our connection to all that is. Our crown chakra is where universal conscious resides and interfaces with our individual identity.

Color: White / Rainbow

Location: The top of your head, radiating infinitely upwards.

Qualities of a Healthy Crown Chakra
To achieve the balance and activation of your 7th chakra is to reach the goal of all spiritual practice; you are in the world, but not of the world. You can see the beauty and divinity in all things. Your consciousness is liberated from suffering, and you have attained enlightenment. A balanced crown chakra will bring balance to all other chakras.

Under-active Crown Chakra 
In today’s world, virtually everyone could use a boost in this energy center. Feeling disconnected from life, spirit, or in a state of doubt are manifestations of a closed crown chakra. When there is a blockage in this chakra, all systems of the body suffer.

Overactive Crown Chakra 
If you are over active in the crown center, you may have difficulty connecting with the story of life and other people. There may be a sense of superiority, or elitism. Remember to stay humble.

Balancing Your Crown Chakra 
Living an uncluttered life of balance will help keep this chakra working. Making time for daily meditation, time outside, yoga, and positive affirmations help to keep this very powerful and positive energy circulating in your life.

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“Why is intuition superior to reason?
- Because it does not depend upon experience or memory and frequently brings about the solution to our problems by methods concerning which we are in entire ignorance.”
Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System


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