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Ultimate Guide To Manifesting

How To Manifest Anything You Want: The Ultimate Guide

Are you looking to get into manifesting with the law of attraction? Then you need to read this comprehensive guide on manifesting.

This comprehensive blog post will teach you everything you need to know about manifesting including the Law of Attraction, the Universe, and the 5 steps you can use to manifest everything you want.

Read below for the ultimate guide on manifesting.

What Is The Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction states that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on.

The theory behind the Law of Attraction is the fundamental concept of “like attracts like”. Whatever energy and attention you put out into the Universe, will come back to you.

Have you ever noticed that when you have a bad day, things just seem to go wrong one after the other? This is a prime example of the law of attraction in motion. When you’re experiencing negative energy, you will attract outcomes that match that low-vibe energy. 

But the same concept applies to positive energy. When you send out positive energy into the Universe, you’re bound to attract positive outcomes into your life.

How Does The Law of Attraction Work?

Woman in front of mirror

Photo by Lucas Pezeta from Pexels

The Universe is always responding to your energy – whether you are aware of it or not.

Without exception, the Universe will deliver you people, experiences, and outcomes that match your vibrational frequency.

So it is important to be aware of your energy and thought at all times so you can co-create your reality with the Universe.

When you’re sending out low-vibe energy into the Universe, you’ll attract negative outcomes. But when you send out high-vibe energy into the Universe, you’ll attract the outcomes you desire.

How Can You Tell Between Positive and Negative Energy?

Emotional Guidance Scale

Your energy is one of the most important things to pay attention to because it is your point of attraction. A great way to visualize this is to think of your energy like a magnet. 

But how can you tell if energy is positive or negative? This is where the Emotional Guidance Scale comes into play.

The Emotional Guidance Scale is a scale of our feelings and emotions, in sequence from the highest vibrational feelings to the lowest.

It is broken down into 22 of the most common emotions from emotions with the highest vibration (joy) to emotions with the lowest vibration (powerlessness).

What Is The Universe?

Man Wearing Bonnet and Hoodie

Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels

The Universe is the spiritual being that responds to the thoughts and energy you send out and brings you outcomes that match your vibrational frequency.

Other names for The Universe include God, Higher Power, Spirit, and Source. It doesn’t matter what you choose to call it because they all refer to the same force of love. So choose the name that resonates with you.

Your Relationship With The Universe

Photography of a Woman Meditating

Photo by Noelle Otto from Pexels

The Universe acts as the supporting force when it comes to the law of attraction and manifestation. This is why it’s important to build a spiritual connection with the Universe.

When you believe that a higher power is supporting your actions, you’re able to let go of low-vibe energy such as fear in exchange for high-vibe thoughts such as love.

Although the Universe is impartial when it comes to delivering outcomes that match your energy, the Universe is always conspiring to lead you towards solutions of the highest good for all.

The Universe is a naturally high-vibe being. Another name for the Universe is Love because love is the highest vibrational energy you can be in. 

If you want to participate in the co-creation of your reality, then you must commit to staying in alignment with the loving energy of the Universe. 

Manifesting Using The Law of Attraction

Woman Practicing Yoga

Photo by Ekaterina Bolovtsova from Pexels

The law of attraction is the theory, and manifesting is putting that theory into practice.

Manifesting is to acquire the energy of what it is that you want to feel, and then being, living and believing in that experience. And finally, allowing that experience to come into form.

The key to manifesting is to cultivate the energy of what you want to experience. 

If joy and love are what you want to attract, then you need to create more energies of joy and love in your everyday life.

What Can You Manifest With The Law of Attraction?


Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

What can you manifest with the law of attraction? The answer is ANYTHING.

Once you have learned the concepts of manifestation and the law of attraction, there’s no limit to what you can bring into your reality.

Manifesting Wealth

The number one thing people want to manifest with the law of attraction is financial abundance

The great news is that the law of attraction can help you manifest more money. 

Once you’re aligned with the energy of abundance, you’ll experience radical shifts in the ways you make money such as new career opportunities and business success.

Manifesting Relationships

The second thing people want to manifest is true love. 

The law of attraction is a great way to help you manifest a loving relationship because it transforms you from the inside out.

Your vibe attracts your tribe. When you’re embodying energies of love and happiness, you too will attract relationships that match your vibrations.

Manifesting Good Health

Another way to use the law of attraction is to maintain good health. 

When you practice the law of attraction, your goal is to vibe high and maintain your good-feeling emotions. In doing so, you naturally attract good health by removing negative energy and stress in your body.

Manifesting Spiritual Connection

The law of attraction is a great way to get closer to The Universe and God. Cultivate your spiritual relationship with The Universe and work together to co-create your reality.

Having faith in a higher power helps you take action towards your goals with ease because you know you are being supported towards solutions of the highest good.

Manifesting Happiness

If you are searching for happiness, then the law of attraction may be the answer you are looking for.

According to the “like attracts like” principle, you can attract happiness in your life by putting out happy thoughts and energy into the Universe.

All it takes is a willingness to stay committed to happiness and you can attract it into your life.

Step-By-Step Guide To Manifesting

The law of attraction takes time to learn and master, that is why it’s called a practice.

Although it can be overwhelming for beginners, you just need to remember that these 5 key steps to begin manifesting. 

Step 1: Be Specific About What You Want

Crop ethnic businesswoman with open notepad at table

Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels

The first step of manifesting is to be specific about what you want.

Put your pen to paper and write in your journal exactly what you want to manifest.

Describe it in detail and be as specific as possible. This step is your opportunity to get clear about what you want to manifest so you can work with the Universe to co-create it in your reality.

For example, if you’re looking to manifest a career change. Don’t just write in your journal that you want to manifest a new job! Supplement it with details.

Here are some sample questions you should ask yourself so you can get clear on the kind of job you want to manifest:

  • What kind of job do you want?
  • What will you do there?
  • What is your ideal work environment?
  • How much does it pay?
  • Where is the job located?

Listen to your intuition and answer these questions honestly. What you write down in this step will be used to help you visualize your desires in a subsequent step. So, take your time to write a thorough answer.

Step 2: Clarify Why You Want It

Woman with pen writing notes in notepad

Photo by fotografierende from Pexels

The second step of manifesting is to clarify the intentions behind your desire. In other words, why do you want to manifest this desire? Write it down in your journal.

The why is very important because your intentions affect your vibrations which determine whether you will attract positive or negative outcomes. Refer to the Emotional Guidance Scale and check the vibrations of the emotions that are supporting your desire.

Going back to the earlier example, do you want to manifest a new job because you want to do something that you love? Or do you want to manifest a new job so that you can prove your worth to your parents?

Both requests are asking the Universe for the same thing (a new job), but they are backed by very different intentions. One is backed by high vibrational energy such as love and passion. The other is backed by low vibrational energy such as insecurity and unworthiness.

As a result, the outcomes you receive will be vastly different. Remember the like attracts like principle, the outcomes you receive will always match whatever energy you send out into the Universe.

This step is your opportunity to get honest about the intention behind your desire so that you can support it with more positive energy. If you notice your request is backed by negative energy, simply forgive yourself and come back to it. 

One way to supercharge the positive energy behind your request to the Universe is to think beyond yourself by considering how your manifestation will elevate those around you. A manifestation that is backed by love and service is one of the most positive vibrations you can send to the Universe, and in return, you’ll receive an equally positive outcome.

Step 3: Feel The Good Feelings

Young woman in Lotus pose with Palo Santo beside

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Once you have clarity on what you want to manifest and the positive intentions behind it. Your job is to align yourself with the good vibrations of the manifestation in order to receive it.

Your energy creates your reality. Therefore, it’s important to remember that it’s the feeling that attracts when it comes to manifestation.

One of the best manifestation techniques to get into the feeling of what it’s like to experience your manifestation is through visualization.

Visualization may seem like an intimidating practice but it’s likely something that you do every day. When you’re planning out your day ahead, you’re visualizing. When you’re thinking about your upcoming vacation, you’re visualizing. When you’re picturing how your dinner date will go, you’re visualizing. The only difference here is you will be intentionally visualizing your manifestation and the good feelings it brings you.

Visualization is such a powerful manifestation technique because it allows you to assume the vibrational energy of a future manifestation as if you are experiencing it in the present moment. Once you are in vibrational alignment with your desires, you are in the perfect position to receive your manifestation.

  • To get started, bring your journal to a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for a while.
  • Get into a comfortable seated position and read what you have written in the previous steps. Read it over a few times so you know it by heart.
  • Then close your eyes and direct your focus to your breathing. Take slow and steady breaths and start to imagine your manifestation as if it has already come true.
  • First, you should focus on the specific description of the manifestation you wrote down in Step 1. Use your five senses to paint the most realistic mental image of the manifestation.
  • Once you have a clear mental image of the manifestation, shift your focus away from the physical description of it, and direct your attention to the good feelings it brings you.
  • Recall your positive intentions that support your desire and feel the high-vibe emotions that this manifestation brings you. You may feel excited, optimistic, or happy which are all emotions with high vibrations.
  • Expand your visualization to include your loved ones and imagine how the manifestation will elevate their energy.

Continue to visualize for 5 to 10 minutes. There are no time requirements when it comes to visualization. If you find that this process brings you joy or even a smile to your face, you can trust that you are in absolute alignment with your desire.

Step 4: Take Inspired Action


Photo by YURI MANEI from Pexels

Manifesting is a process of co-creation, which means it’s a collaborative process. You must be willing to work with the Universe in order to bring your manifestation into reality, and this involves taking action. Not just any action, but inspired action.

Inspired actions are effortless, confident, and fun. There is no doubt or hesitation, and everything just flows. You are not taking these actions because you need to but because you want to. You are so certain in the outcome that you are inspired to take action in order to get closer to your manifestation.

There’s no big or small when it comes to taking action. Whether it is a simple google search on how to start your own business or delivering a sales pitch to a new client. You just need to take action from a place of spiritual alignment – a place that feels good.

If you have trouble grasping the idea of taking inspired actions, simply think about how you approach your favorite hobby or pastime. You do it out of sheer enjoyment. You do it because it feels good. You do it because it brings you joy. There is no pressure, no expectations, and no need to control the outcome. Apply this same energy when you’re taking action toward your manifestation, and the results will be astonishing.

If you ever find yourself getting hooked into negative or low-vibe energy, feel free to revisit the first three steps of manifesting to realign with the good vibrations you cultivated. Actions that are taken from a place of alignment will produce much greater outcomes, compared to actions that are taken from a place of misalignment.

Step 5: Let Go and Allow


Photo by Rafael Barros from Pexels

The final step of manifesting is to let go and allow the manifestation to come into your reality. This is the process of receiving your manifestation by maintaining the high vibrational energy you cultivated in the previous steps.

Overcoming the buffer of time will be a real test for many people. Many novice manifestors mess up at this stage because they are constantly checking and worrying about whether their desire will manifest or not. This is a big no-no because it essentially negates all the work you have done to get into a place of alignment. The emotion of worry is low-vibration energy according to the Emotional Guidance Scale, so it lowers your vibrations and throws you out of alignment with your desire.

The biggest lesson here is to be patient and trust that the Universe has your back. When you have faith in the plan of the Universe, it makes it easy to let go of the outcome. Even though what you want may not manifest as quickly as you’ve hoped or in the same way that you’ve expected. Trust that the Universe’s plan always exceeds yours and know that it is of the highest good for all.

Use this prayer to surrender the outcomes of your manifestations, “Universe, I surrender my timelines, agenda, and desires to you. I trust that you are leading me toward solutions of the highest good for all.

Many thanks to Kenneth Wong
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